Essays On Climate
Bob Barnett's Resources, Reasons,
and Writings
Atmospheric dynamics analyzed as electro/chemical processes not
computer phrenology.
1969 Scored record high on US Navy electronic school comprehensive final.
1971 9-month pre-med Organic Chemistry completed in 2 months
1972 Completed UG requirements
at So.Il.-Edwardsville in 2 years cum laude ... one semester, aced
24 hours.
1974 Graduate degree in neurosciences and physiology--CO2 metabolic effects
were main interest.
Impact of rising CO2 on dynamic systems found on Planet Earth.
1982 Droughts
Forever: Predicts longer droughts with downwind deluges--destroys foodchain.
Congressional Campaign: 5 times better than most independents
2000 Global Dying: Downwind droughts from major
oil fields (on-going)
WCCO Minneapolis Submission on Global Warming
2002 Hurricane for Dummies:
Predicts fewer but more powerful hurricanes
2003 AlphaTrifecta:
Autism, ADHD, Alzheimers increase due to rise in CO2
(TV ad)
2006 Polar Timebomb:
Why icecaps melt faster with unpleasant ending
2006 Predictions--Glad I was wrong on last ... for now.
2007 Bees
Dying, Colony Collapse
State of the Union: 2011 #1 Selection by Washington Post
2012 Organic
Thesis of CO2-caused Climate Extremes and Contradictions
(TV ad)
2012 Midwest
Drought began as Rocky Mountain megafires
Mother Nature does not care about us if we do not care about her
Local Winners of Global Lottery of Climate Change
Veterans Affair Lobotomy
2014 Fusion/fission
dynamics of atmospheric CO2.
CO2 is a currency killing life on earth
2015 CO2:
The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule
Save Atlantic Coastline--Stop Dominion Powers Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Every new job is more CO2 sinning against Mother Nature.
Every shared job is a CO2 saving for Mother Nature.
We need 24in4 to share jobs not jobless crime against ourselves and against
Mother Nature.
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