Don't Look Good: The following links are headlines of articles on the
disappearance of bee colonies.
Bees Today, Clouds Tomorrow
As any homeowner knows, damp conditions fester colonies of insects which a dehumidifier can reduce by making it too dry for the bugs to survive. As any runner knows, you don't want to get dehydrated. As any medic knows, you don't want to run out of saline. As any doctor will say of your cold, push the fluids. As any evolutionist knows, a pivotal process in the migration from water to land was anti-dessicating process for both plants(cuticle) and animals(eggs), that is, the ability to retain water rather than depend on a osmosis within a watery surrounding.
Why are bees dying? Some bugs die before others as dry air dessicates their water dependent metabolism. Why are bees dying worldwide? CO2 is a drying agent. Bees are stressed and more susceptible to invasive diseases that they would otherwise not suffer like an AIDs patient dying of infections, not AIDs. CO2 is a virtual virus stressing all of life for which there is no cure. In a glass half-full, half-empty situation (of which the true purveyor should be executed), CO2 is a universal metabolite which can be a case of too much of a good thing is a bad thing. As such, CO2 is a universal HIV agent--see Alpha Trifecta,
Much concern is being raised (Spring, 2007) over the disappearance of bee colonies. Some reports cite 50% in the last two years. The reason is simple and is an extension of two basic priniciples of global dying:
A simple experiment will prove the point: Place colonies of bees in different controlled environment with different levels of CO2. The bees in the higher CO2 will die first.
As a species, bees evolved with the evolution of asexual plants (ferns) into sexual plants. The latter are the source of the high energy content which bees pollinate. With rising CO2, the sexual plants and animals will be most sensitive to a return of CO2 to levels of the carboniferous period, e.g., bees death and the Alpha Trifecta. The latter notes how the most evolved, sensitive living mass to CO2 is the human brain. This model predicts the pandemic spread of neural diseases that make alzheimer, autism and ADHD look like Einstein candidates for Nobel Prizes, e.g., mad cow diseases.
The bee colony disappearance and its implication not only for diseases of highly evolve plant and animal species but for the collapse of the foodchain below the level needed for supporting 7 billion human beings on earth is another reason that we need the ManHeaven Project, a global government derived from the moral imperative of saving life on earth. If we don't initiate controlled depopulaton then all of us will find no reprieve or commutation from the current death row sentence of all life being dead on earth by 2030.
The global disappearance of honeybees cannot be attributed to a biological entity. The factor common to all isolated locations is the local rise of CO2 which is from the dessicating properties of the FRQ clusters. People will forget about the bees dying as something worse eventuates from the FRQ clusters dessicating something more important to the the foodchain than bees: clouds, see--Cloud Sucking CO2. The pain evidenced in the toe-stubbing of "Where have the bees gone" is nothing compared to inevitable body blow of "Where have the clouds gone?"
Watching the clouds disappear is very symbollic and prophetic of life
disappearing on earth,
for the water of life is disappearing from earth.
Damn Bees! They just don't listen despite all the buzz. Why don't they follow the commands of the U.S. Decider-in-Chief, Geo. Talker Bush, who said of global warming, "Live with it!"
The granddaddy and mother of all mass extinctions (1 of 5) on the planet earth was at the end of Permian period (about 250 million years ago) when about 95% of life disappeared in about 60,000 years. The extinctoion has been tied to sudden rise in CO2 that not only raised the ocean temperature but acidified the ocean.
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> | #1 Honey I'm Gone | 070601 Honey Im Gone Bees070601 Wash Post | |
> | #2 Mysterious Deaths of Bees Takes Broad Toll | 070609 Mysteriousdeathsofbeestakebroadtoll070609 La Times | |
> | #3 No Organic Bee Loss | 070510 No Organic Bee Losses070510info Liberation | |
> | #4 Taiwan stung by millions of missing bees | 070426 Taiwanstungbymillionsofmissingbees070426 Reuters | |
> | #5 Honeybees may be wiped out in 10 years | 080120 Wiped Out In Ten Years Bees080120 Telegraph U K | |
> | #6 Bats Perish And No One Knows Why | 080325 Bats Perishand No One Knows Why080325 N Y T | |
> | #7 071108 Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite | RefsBiblio | 071108 Dont Let The Bed Bugs Bite |
> | #8 flu virus | 071020 Influenza Virility Temp Humidity071020 Micro Biology | |
> | #9 Bats Dying | 080325 Bats Perishand No One Knows Why080325 N Y T | |
> | #10 090709 tomatos | RefsBiblio | 090709 Late Blight Comes Early, Hitting Tomatoes Hard, Experts Say |
> | #11 090710 potatos | RefsBiblio | 090710 Potato Famine Disease Striking Home Gardens In US A |
(D) Templates: | |||
> | #1 Please Lord Not The Bees | Please Lordnotthebees | |
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> | #1 universal HIV | 080530 | Universal HIV: Carbon Dioxide |
> | #2 Alpha Trifecta | 071101 | Alpha Trifecta: Alzheimers, Autism, ADHD |
> | #3 carboniferous period | 100306 | Carboniferous Period: Overview |
> | #4 Carboniferous Period | RefsBiblio | The Carboniferous |
> | #5 Evolution of Plants | RefsBiblio | Evolution of Plants |
> | #6 controlled depopulaton | 100825 | Controlled Depopulation: Why and How (Armada Letter) |
> | #7 Cloud Sucking CO2 | 071101 | Cloud Sucking CO2 |
> | #8 global dying | 071101 | Global Dying: Summary Overview |
> | #9 Live with it! | 071101 | Live with Global Warming says the Bush Administration |
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< | #1 ClustersFRQs | 071101 | Clusters Frequency Responsive Quantum (FRQ) |
< | #2 UniversalHIV | 080530 | Universal HIV: Carbon Dioxide |
< | #3 CO2Matrix | 071101 | CO2 Matrix of Global Drying and Local Flooding |
< | #4 FoodChainDestruction | 091217 | Food Chain Destruction from CO2: Summary |
< | #5 LiveWithItBush | 071101 | Live with Global Warming says the Bush Administration |
< | #6 AlphaTrifecta | 071101 | Alpha Trifecta: Alzheimers, Autism, ADHD |
< | #7 RationsOrRiots | 100811 | Riots or Rations |
< | #8 IndexToEssays | 071101 | Index to Global Dying Essays (manual) |
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