1997+ China Drought: Shitting Where It Eats.
The worst drought affecting humanity is the growing drought in China. It can only be lessened by the Chinese eliminating oil production in the newly developed western fields of the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang Province (which is of the same geological formation as the West Texas/New Mexico oil: Permian). Because China's oil production is primitive, the vast majority of the natural gas is flared or vented, creating vast plumes that blow from the western China across eastern China and Korean Peninsula. Both of the latter regions are racked by multi-year droughts with international repercussions. Will China eliminate oil production to save agricultural production? Or, will humanity face a new cold war that grows warmer with each day of local/global warming? China is a paper tiger with nuclear teeth without the respect for the human zoo.
All maps and quotation from ChinaOnLine (COL) unless otherwise noted.
Prevailing winds are the westerly trade winds from the southwest to the
For actual satellite images of wind and cloud movement over hours or days, click Prevailing Winds. Description of Drought
Upwind Oil Field Development
Terminating Factor:
A NASA photo shows not only the smoke plumes but numerous
fires in China. Like
other nations with massive upwind oil fields and the apparent threshold
of the CO2 matrix phenomenon, China is experiencing
extremes in weather
including record
floods. Japan, as the map in the upper right shows, is under the same
wind flow with rising, record
temperatures like the Asian mainland. Unfortunately for the energy-poor
island nation of Japan, its agreement with Russia to develop energy fields
upwind from Japan above the Korean peninsula will cause a national defeat
greater than the oil-drive to Southeast Asia in 1941.
International Implications: China will never be a superpower, in part, because of the growing drought and pollution. China does not have the money to fund its drought and pollution relief programs. As these problems grow, the bureaucrats will formulate grandiose plans, but the average Chinese will be forced to steal from the supporting infrastructure in order to survive. As Russia cannot pay its nuclear support staff to have a coherent nuclear deterrent, nor will China in the coming days and years be able to maintain let alone expand its nuclear capacity to be a superpower. As Russian scientists and technicians have scavaged infrastructural parts, the same will happen in China. You can't build a sophisticated system with minimum wage workers lacking basic living services who not only live in squalor but don't get regular paychecks. Part and parcel to this "Ain't gonna be a superpower" is the insufficiency of democratic institutions within China to address and solve the everyday problems that drain human time, emotions, efforts, commitment and resources. The Red Tide will never rise, for the Chinese are increasingly drowning in the problems of their own creation that are being created faster than they are being solved. Chinese economists are like American economists, giving the habitual politicians the facts the politicians want to spin. Each time the Chinese arrest a news editor who raises enough controversy to warrant arrest, it is an arrest for world peace by virtue of castrating the fountainhead of progress. For without an end to corruption at the top which the editors document, China will never achieve the productivity per capita to be a superpower. China will have another internal struggle like the Cultural Revolution that will dwarf Tinneman Square. This upheaval will leave it a basket case before it will ever become a superpower. Because Mother Nature will not let and is not letting China have the high BTU efficiency for superpower toys. China cannot compete against the country that has the super CO2 generation that represents many time-saving devices. The best hope for the Chinese people is to not only join the Kyoto accords (rather than seek self-destructive, suicidal exemption) but China should demand the US observe the Kyoto accords. The trading of emission credits should be banned like the trading of prostitutes among whorehouse owners. China is more likely to be another Russia rather than a US or Euro-Community. It will bleed its basic institutions to fund its global symbols until there is no economic blood left to bleed: Draining water from western farms for eastern cities only makes matters worse as there is less agricultural production and increased city population because of hungry, thirsty farmers having only the eastern cities as a final refuge. The existential meltdown is hotter in China. While China cannot be a superpower, it can be a super terrorist. US policy and military expenditures should be targeted to making China a co-partner in world peace. Billion-dollar missile defense will increase the chances of super-terrorism, for the US cannot fund such a monster without more exportation of inflation and unemployment which China will bear more than any other country. The missile defense system will create the next generation of USS Cole attacks using "lost" nuclear weapons. If the Chinese mafia can daily import countless illegal aliens with personal luggage larger than most tactical nuclear weapons, it is only a matter of time before a hot football comes ashore.
Also see
China Is Not A Threat
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> | #1 Twit16.jpg> | ext=LSE | http:\\www.twitter.com\Brainbeesclass=twitter-follow-buttondata-show-count=false |
> | #2 DOE pg 10 | auto | http:\\www-tsa.lanl.gov\tsa4\pdf\chinaenergy.pdf |
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> | #1 asiacpipeline010815WSJ.gif | auto | 010815 asiacpipeline010815 W S J |
> | #2 reported | 010531 Persistent Spring Drought010531 China D | |
> | #3 Central China | 010511 Drought Central China Yangtze010511-gov | |
> | #4 Yellow River | 010105 Massive Water Probelms010105 E C S | |
> | #5 080104NASA-Gov | 080101 Perfect Dust Storm080101 N A S A- Gov | |
> | #6 plague of bugs | 010614 Locust Plague China010614 China D | |
> | #7 WSJ010623 | 010623 Crash Drought Water Program010623 W S J | |
> | #8 WashPost010701 | 010701 Wetlands Drying Up China010701 | |
> | #9 010101 200 million rural folks | RefsBiblio | 010101 Ticking Time Bomb |
> | #10 2001-06-12 NYT | 010612 Korea Worst Drought Century010612 N Y T | |
> | #11 030228 | 030228 Wells Locked China030228 C N N | |
> | #12 040331 | 040331 Sand Storms Worsening040331 Reuters | |
> | #13 Research Casts Doubt on China's Pollution Claims | 010815 Pollution Fudging China010815 Wash Post | |
> | #14 Tropical storm claims 73 lives in China. | 010625 Tropical Storm China010625 U S A Today | |
> | #15 fires in China | auto | 020607 China Smoke T M O2002158 Nasa020607 |
> | #16 extremes in weather | 020816 Weather Extremes China020816 Star Trib | |
> | #17 record floods | 020729 Record China Floods Record020729 C N N | |
> | #18 record temperatures | 020812 Tokyo Heat020812 N Y T | |
> | #19 010606 nuclear waste dump | RefsBiblio | 010606 Russia Passes Plan to Accept Nuclear Waste |
> | #20 020408 | 020408 Sand China Worst020408 C N N | |
> | #21 020424 | 020424 Taiwan Drought020424 U S A Today | |
> | #22 020413 | 020414 Dust Storm Econ Impact China Korea Japan020414 N Y T | |
(D) Templates: | |||
> | #1 Severe Drought | Severe Drought2000 July | |
> | #2 source | ext=TXT | China- Dry Times Threaten North Vitality |
> | #3 China-USEIA | C N- Environmental Issues | |
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> | #1 global dying | 071101 | Global Dying: Summary Overview |
> | #2 local\global warming | 071101 | Local Warming Precedes Global Warming |
> | #3 Prevailing Winds | 071101 | Prevailing Winds |
> | #4 Rio Grande River | 071101 | 1998+ West Texas Drought |
> | #5 Dustbowl | 071101 | 1930's and 1950's Dustbowl Drought |
> | #6 SaharaTexas | 071111 | Sahara Dust Storms Cross Atlantic Ocean |
> | #7 Texas | 071111 | Sahara Dust Storms Cross Atlantic Ocean |
> | #8 pop bottle shake | 071101 | Shaking Pop Bottles: Torrential Rains |
> | #9 existential meltdown | 071101 | Existential Meltdown |
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