Deathhours: Negative Lifehour Worth

In establishing and quantifying one's duty-to-die in hours of life for the Manheaven Project, one can be said to have either positive or negative life actions, that is, lifehours or deathhours. A deficit of lifehours is really deathhours. In a very real sense, like a cancer exacting its deadly toll on a living organization, so has the vast majority of humans been a cancer living beyond the means of Mother Nature.

In actively designating demographic groups or individual CO2 sinners to suffer Controlled Depopulation, one factor will be the accumulation of deathhours as groups or individuals. Like a criminal taking up the cross or the vows of poverty, you may win clemency from or commutation of your sentence on deathrow.

Quality Control Tools for Higher iCube ... Frog Leaping.
'Links To': Pages linked to by this page: ( (IndexDir ... Refs General ... !RefsRvu ... !Dir.nts) InfoLinks (05-22-2015@07:28) IndexAD1.bas:LinkLstToTable
Link Label on this page Uploaded Webpage Title of Link file
(A) No Incomplete Links:
(B) HTTP:// Links:
 > #1 Manheaven Project http:\\\ManHell\Index.htm
 > #2 lifehours http:\\\Indexes\Lifehours.htm
 > #3 cancer http:\\\Timism\Tables\CancerChart.htm
(C) No Dated Links: Annotated References: HTB
(D) No Templates:
(E) No Internal Links, Absolute (non-dated):
(F) Internal Links, Relative (non-dated and ignore lifehour credit links):
 > #1 means 100802 Means: Mean, Meaningless or Meaningful
 > #2 Mother Nature 100824 Mother Nature is God's Accountant
 > #3 Controlled Depopulation 100825 Controlled Depopulation: Why and How (Armada Letter)
 > #4 deathrow 110412 Death Row Analogy of Global Dying
(G) No Current Directory Links

'Links From' Pages linking to this page: ( )No IndexDir ... Refs General ... !RefsRvu ... !Dir.nts) InfoLinks (05-22-2015@07:28) Linkstat:LinksFrom2Table
Link In From Uploaded Webpage Title of Link In file
< #1 EnablersOfCO2Sinning 131007 Enablers of CO2 Sinning
< #2 DeathRow 110412 Death Row Analogy of Global Dying
< #3 GOOHF 110712 GOOHF Index
< #4 Lifehours 071101 Lifehours Index of Webpages
< #5 Pro-Litter 120210 Pro-Littering Index
< #6 GardensReService 100812 Gardens--Disaster Reduction
< #7 OutlineManhell 071101 ManHeaven Index
< #8 ToolsOfTimism 080610 Tools of Timism
< #9 MeanMeaninglessMeaningful 100802 Means: Mean, Meaningless or Meaningful
< #10 LevelRights 091006 Level Rights: The Rationale of States Rights
< #11 PlayRights 100715 Play Rights: Right To Play

Annotated References: General
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WebLinks * Timism.Net (F L) ... GlobalDying * Letters * Essays * MiniIndx * Writings
ManHeaven Index * IndexDir * D2D * CO2 Sins * Forms * GOOHF * Ltrs * Oath * Index * Summary Tipping Pts * TTD-MH
Armadas FlotillasLinks 6576, flObj, flObj$
Are You: Ill-Employed ... WorkHog ... Rioter ... Moral ... Immigrant ... Habitual Politician ... Medical Staff ... Military ... ManHell Letters
Survival SurfWisely * Timism vs. Habituals * Contract * Credo * Jack and Jill * Hope * What We Need * Leave Me Alone I hate you ... Ttd4U ... Modus Operandi
Tables temp 091226-0724 ntvd error

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05-22-2015 @ 07:32:33