December 5, 2022

Jason Kamras, Superintendent, Richmond Public Schools
Ms. El Koubi, Principal, Westover Hills Elementary School, RPS

Re: Crowjimism at Westover Hills Elmentary School (\Media\2022\RPS_Discrimination.htm to visit links)


  1. Event: At Westover Hills Elementary School on December 2, 2022 (3:20pm) I experienced what can only be described as racial discrimination by a Black school employee. The interaction was reminiscent of recent uproar of a Britisch lady-in-waiting grilling a Black CEO at a conference on Women's Rights. As usual for many weeks, Ms. Blackwell taking pickup requests acknowledged me. Sometime later, she looked at me and asked, "Khloi has not come out yet?" A few minutes later, a Black woman came out and said Khloi had been put on the bus. She proceeded to ask many questions including why wasn't I on the pickup list (I am). Apparently this woman intervened and sent Khloi to the bus rather than allow me to pick her up. (I proceeded to Khloi's home where her mother met me with Khloi.) Normally, I daily pickup Khloi after school for two-to-three hours of tutoring if she has been good in school.
  2. End-of-life catchup: As I explained early-on to Principal Ms. El Koubi and Teacher Mrs. Adiamak, my involvement with Khloi's life was an end-of-life catch-up. Because of my wife's medical condition and my focus on business interests, we decided not to have children. If I could not be a great father then I would not be a father. Now, as my business endeavors wind down, I want to know the joys of parening a younster.  I wantr to be a great godfather to Khloi who I have known since shortly after her first birthday. I want to optimizing her potential to have the abilities to have many opportunites in life. I also want (and have experienced) the joy of a young mind grasping ideas, having ephiphanies and expressing eurekas,
  3. Tutoring session format: Khloi's mother completes school homework while I structure several areas of academic, character and personality growth. (Index/Table of Contents)
    1. Qualifications, self and wife: We came to Richmond in the late 1970s when my wife accepted an assistant professorship in MCV's dental school. I have university teaching experience. We are stable having lived in the same house since 1979. Fifty years ago I set a record at the largest university in Illinois by graduating cum laude in just over two years. One semester of seven courses was ace'd for 24 credit hours (transcript). My resume lists many top-shelf achievements in diverse areas. Upon success in a new field, I pursued a new curiosity. Some think my resume is a collection of lies. Like everything I have chosen to do in my life, I am one of the best tutors ever.
    2. Khloi's Space and Purchases: Part of a no-longer used computer room became her organization space ... Flash cards, Aesop Fables, Letter drawing book
    3. Behavivor Modification: Mantras and Targeted Homemade Flash cards.
    4. Learning forms: Several in-house sheets for Khloi to practice the basics (Parts of numbers ... ABC's: ... numbers ...  Y words ... used forms)
    5. 5pm News: Khloi and I repair to the kitchen where I prepare a treat sometimes baking a cake to take home. Sometimes she helps. We also turn on PBS international news while Khloi putzs on self-directed learning while I cook. If something comes on she might find interesting, I ask her to watch often with a followup explanation. Once when I did not turn on the news, she asked, "Are we going to watch the news?" Priceless music to my ears.
    6. Request: A teacher asked me if I could tutor her daughter.
    7. Work Ethic School:  For several summers in the 1980s at a cost of around $7,000, I self-funded a program for 10 high schoolers to earn wages for 4 hour and learn computer and typing for 4 hours. A college student managed. Many parents called asking if I could take one more. A work ethic poster was created by the students of which printed 1,000 17x22 copies. Governor Doug Wilder had one in the Executive Mansion's lower level. He later took it to the Black History Museum. If the work ethic is not taught first and foremost then all other learning is wasted.
    8. Non-Project experiences: I involve Khloi in many everyday activities of a homeowner to which a Project Child is not exposed. It is not out-of-the-question that Khloi might inherit  Chatwell, a $400,000 property from a childless couple.
  4. Trips, Train and Plane: As part of my wanting to raise Khloi's motivation level, I paid for their first train ride, a day-trip to Washington, DC. When I go to Europe in the near future on business, if I am going to be there for more than a month, I will pay passport and airfare fees for Khloi and her mom to visit. I was last in Europe for the Paris Climate conference in 2015. I first wrote on climate change in 1982 predicting worsening droughts with downwind deluges. If you want to understand the molecular mechanism of climate change, read Hydrophilia. If you want to understand the range of changes from rising CO2 levels, read "Carbon Dioxide: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule."
  5. Nefariousness: Some might look askance at an fat, old White guy with a young Black girl. Two thoughts: I am interested in nursing homes, not nurseries. And, I like the smiles of others when Khloi and I go shopping. In one way, I think we make a statement for a better world.
  6. Congressional Run: An unexpected benefit is understanding what works and does not work in the Projects that I will use in my 2024 Congressional campaign. In 1998, I scored five times better than the average independent campaigner. I will win this time.
  7. Discrimination: I was always the smartest and poorest kid in school. On the first day of 6th grade, the teacher told me to go to the back of the lunch line for if there was not enough food then I should go hungry since I was not paying for my meals. I hate discrimination, especially racism, and I was a victim of racism at Westover Elmentary School on December 2.
  8. Living is Giving ... Teachers' aides or Private School: When Kholi's mom and I met with Khloi's teacher for a conference, Mrs. Adamiak laughingly responded when I ask if she had a teacher's aide, "I wish." Up till December 2, I thought that if my foreign venture (to sell my internet project--see Brainbees) provides the expected high seven-figure profit then I would fund aides for the three kindergarden classes without aides--about $100k (I live simple like my heros, Gandhi and King, intending to die owing or owning no pennies.) But, I may, instead, pay tuition for Khloi to attend a private school ($25k annually). My choice will depend on the female racist apologizing and explaining why she did it a la Mandela's Reconciliation Commission. (I had delivered to the art room a totem pole that the students could repaint with the school doing with it as it wants. I have another, more significant, gift but that is on hold.)
  9. I am not trying to make Khloi White but green, the color of success as a human being in the modern world. Maybe by being a good caretaker to her, my wife and I might get a good caretaker in our old age.

I am not interested in any response other than the apology from the Black staff member. Ms.El Koubi, it is in the interest of all parties for you to tell your staff not to discriminate against the litigious, old fat vanilla fella who picks up chocolate Khloi Lewis.

Have a good day,

Robert "Bob" S. Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225

P.S. Crowjimism describes reverse discrimination by Blacks when abusing a position of responsibility, e.g., this Westover Hills Elementary Black staff member. I have an to-be-published website so named listing many instances. When hierarchical within public services, it is institutional Black racism. An example is Mayor Stoney's awarding without bids a multi-million dollar contract to a close friend and campaign contributor to do work on the Monument Avenue statues (which should have never been erected). One of my heros whose picture is on my study wall famously said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."