Cashflow... Caveats ... Homestead District Office $0.73 ... Plebiscite ... PR Campaign ...  Principals: (Email * Helpers * TTD) ... Signup $1.19 ... Superintendents/VEA

Press Campaign of Timism for Plebisciters
(Time line subject to adjustment)

  1. 150531 Email to Principals, Superintendents and VEA on Plebiscites
  2. 150531 Email to Virginia Media on Plebiscites
  3. 150601 Email to SDHS68
  4. 150601 Email to NOAA and NASA: Organic Thesis of Climate Chaos and CO2's Fission/Fusion Atmospheric Dynamics
  5. 150602 Email to Dominion Gasline Opponents: With an increase in CO2 release in Virginia from this pipeline, a California drought will develop as the CO2 binds with water that should fall on Virginia but will instead fall to the east in the Atlantic Ocean as California's rainfall has fallen downwind in the Midwest.
  6. 150603 Email to California Media: $5 Million Ransom Demand for Drought Solution
  7. 150603 Email to Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas media on Midwest Class Action suit against California
  8. 150604 Email to Minnesota Media: Bee Colony Collapse


  1. 401ks: Biggest bankrobbery in history which stole the retirement of America's middle-class. The lottery is a tax on those who don't know math. 401ks are a tax on the middle-class that igknows math.
  2. 529s: A ponzi scheme that soaks the middle-class, reduces rich kids tuition costs, inflates middle-class tuition and bloats the federal deficit with the tax credis which is one hell of a legacy that the middle-class is leaving the next generation.
  3. AlphaTrifecta: The dynamics behind rising CO2 causing increased Autism, ADHD and Alzheimers as well as allergies.
  4. Brainbees: Spelling bee format to spell out problems and solutions
  5. Citizen Legislation: Monthly brainbees to find our Einstein moments to solve our national, state and local problems.
  6. Polar Timebomb: In addition, the basic organic property of carbon dioxide (hydrophilia) was applied to winter weather in which earlier, deeper plunging and longer lasting polar blasts would occur (Polar Timebomb). When polar ice cap goes ...
  7. Super Brainbee: A single webpage that provides zero-cost primaries for any public decision-making process anywhere within almost 200 nations, 3600 states, etc. Any!
  8. Women 50/50: Every elected position should have a senior and junior member with term limits, one male, one female.

Originator of Timism: Achievements ... Resume