Groan Jobs: "Green" Jobs Killing Life On Earth
What determines the average person's idea of a green job? Mostly Kodak morality, that is, one's gut reaction of the moment. However, if one does a cradle-to-grave analysis of the time creation or cancering of the job--that is, video or calculus of morality--one often finds that green is not green.
The numerous falsehopes are a list of gut reactions formalized into grants, plans and proposals. In reality, not politics, synonymous with green is life or time. A true green job is one that creates life or time. Thus, timism provides a standardized method for quanitifying the cradle-to-grave time dynamics of any entity or activity. One's job is one's activity as an entity on this planet, that is, to do is to be and to be is to do.
As a time creator or
time cancer
, one's job is either part of the solution or part of the problem.
Time creating jobs are green. Time cancers are groan jobs.
Nature, God's accountant on earth, determines and exacts time creation
and time cancers.
Unfortunately, many people think more births gives them more time, that procreation is creation. Chinese people want to have big families. Duh! Religious nuts want more followers so they have big families. The generation of more religious adherents may increase the amount of time commited to that religion but it does not increase the time of life on earth. One of saddest examples of how more religious time is wasted time can be seen in Gaza strip where unemployed grandfathers had double-digit kids who as jobless persons generated a third-generation of internationally welfare families. International aid workers and NGOs don't have green jobs--Mother Nature groans under the weight of too many people on this planet.
Consistently, the various election-addicted habitual politicians around the world have said that they need to respond to economic concerns before the environmental issues can be addressed. Central to their programs is more jobs without qualifying whether the jobs are life-saving or life-killing. As many "organic" products were not organic, most "green" jobs are not life-saving. The primary moral imperative requires an elimination of life-killing jobs, not tolerance or increase. For a person to accept a habitual politicians promise of more jobs without qualifying the job effects on global dying is like a girl in a bar accepting a drink from a stranger. While a girl may survive a date-raped laced drink, Mother Nature will not survive a life-killing laced job. An example is cash for clunkers.
All social, economic and political problems can be traced back to one activity,
that is, too many
too often. In a world dying from too many people, the number one hidden weapon
of mass destruction (WMD) is the human genitalia. A
timisitic analysis
shows that green jobs are groan jobs. Groan jobs, like all other
false hopes to
save life on earth are a waste
of time that speedup the
existential meltdown and
advancing the recovery point which is the point of no return. Truly, considering
the need for
Depopulation, the only green jobs are neuter docs, abortionists,
serial killers, undertakers and nuclear war.
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