Carbon Emissions (other
Carbon Emissions 1860-1995 |
Emission Per Country |
Also see
False Solutions
Global Dying
Falsehoods Fostered by Fools
Full of Fuelish Facades:
Facetious Flatulence!
Going Green For Dummies
Reversing global dying from greenhouse
gases will not be achieved by greed fostering false hopes. Tax-sucking biofuels
have been shown to cause more pollution than simply burning the same amount
fossil fuels.
Tragically, the worse solutions are forms of double diapering.
Is the solution to a baby's doodoo production solved by putting on another
diaper to contain the accumulating feces? No, the doodoo may be contained
but at some point it is going to come out. An example of CO2 double diapering
is the promise of planting trees to curb global dying by growing more trees.
What happens when the trees die or burn up? They release the CO2 into the
atmosphere like a baby's double diapers finally bursting the seams. Or, consider
the promise of growing
algae to
soak up CO2. Like sequestering CO2 in trees, the algae will be oxidized
eventually, only sooner, at which point it will release the CO2 back into
the atmosphere. The bio sequestering scam is like the captain of a sinking
ship saying the solution to too much water in the bottom is to start freezing
it. When the ice melts, the ship sink. Another double diaper is promising
fast growing
as a sequester source for CO2. The promise of sequestering CO2 in the
is another double diapering.
The consequences of double-diapering can be found in the financial world:
Securitized Debt, the repacking of debt into into financial instruments for
collaterized debt swaps. When the same real bottom assets are used in a
multi-level scheme by combining and reselling with each level having a claim
to the real bottom assets, you have a ponzi scheme. This is an inflationary
bubble: the real bottom assets are inflated in market value each time a new
layer of financial paper lays claim to the real bottom assets. It is like
a person who gets a second mortgage without disclosing the first mortgage.
The house market value has doubled but the real house has not been doubled.
The collapse of the financial double-, triple-diapering inflationary
ponzi scheme from CDS is nothing compared to when securitized CO2 in the
biomass burst, that is, when the ponzi bottom shit hits the fan.
Another terrible false hope is the shell game the promise of
alternative fuels.
Ethanol has been shown to release more CO2 than burning
the equivalent amount of coal, oil or gas. Likewise with hydrogen or electric
cars: Where does hydrogen and electrons come from? From burning CO2-generating
fossil fuels. A similar false hope is
Energy" which was portrayed on that great gas-guzzline media complainer
without problem-resolution ("60 Minutes") in Winter 2010. Does it matter
whether the electricity is generated in a distant power plant or an on-site
generator or converter from natural gas? Per kilowatt hour, are the economies
of scale better with large plants or with every homeowner having a less
efficient, more capital intensive source of
CO2 sinning?
Another facetious flatulence can be called the fusion/fission
falsehood. If everyone agrees only to build hydrogen fusion bombs
then we don't have to worry about uranium/plutonium fission bombs. Likewise,
if everyone agrees to use
instead of petro-fueled lawn mowers, we won't have to worry about CO2 because
the goat's digestive system will convert--fuse--the carbohydrates into methane
gas which is 20 times worse than CO2 as a greenhouse gas.
flatulence is recognized as significant greenhouse gas that has prompted
initiatives to implement a
tax. Using methane-making goats to reduce CO2 is like saying uranium
ore is safer if you purify it into enriched uranium.
Cap-N-Trade is nothing more than I'll trade you three
dirty whores for one virgin. With cap-n-traffic, we don't reduce CO2
sinning, we traffic in spreading around the screwing of Mother Nature--see
Annotated Bibliography.
Consider the following cold, ugly truths. The 2009 CO2 release per American
is 22 tons. That is a per capita release of 120 pounds per day or about 5
lbs per hour or 1 oz per second. Given that we have passed the
tipping point of global
warming into global dying, no
CO2 sins are below the level necessary to save life on earth.
Self-serving comment: People have false hopes when they want
). Invariably,
false hopers can be shown to have immoral values relative to the problem
they want solved at no cost. Often, the false promise is based on a
morality rather than video values, that is, they look at the momentary
gain while ignoring the calculus of unintended consequences, e.g., drinking
and driving. This writer benefits not only from a far greater wealth of data,
facts and information than the average person but from being a long-time
adherent to the morality of more time (timism). With timism, one has a tool
to assess the cradle-to-grave time trajectory of any action far better than
any other moral system, especially the greedy, moneytheistic orthodox churches
which promise the false hope of eternal happiness for a tithing of one's
income. It is in the pews where the masses are inculcated with the systemic
funny mental falsehood that one can get something-for-nothing. With timism,
one can replace the irrational, emotional ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder) raging in the pews by acquiring ASD (Attention Surplus
Disposition). |
False Hopes: The following will not reverse
global dying
Compact Florescent Bulbs--a teaspoon of savings in an
ocean of CO2
Plant A Tree: If your toilet is stopped up
do you keep dumping in it?
Sequestering CO2 in the ground
Coal, Shale and Tar Sands: CO2 is CO2 regardless
of the source hydrocarbon.
Alternative Fuels: Nuclear, Hydrogen, Biofuels,
wind and solar power are not the answer if you look at them from cradle to
Back to the Land: Where will the city folk go when
food is gone?
Daylight Savings Changes
Religion: A cause, not a solution
Green Jobs: Really are death jobs-
Political Promises are false hopes. Nothing
Lights out: Crap!
Real Hope: The only way to reduce CO2 sinning is the
Manheaven Project.
Suggestions in popular media for how to solve global warming is like putting
out the great Chicago fire by ordering all the citizens to piss on it. Along
with the habitual
politicians and
corporate journalists
beholden to
petrophiliacs (oil
companies, automakers, auto sellers, auto insurers, auto repairers, and auto
tort lawyers) we are pissing away our time. Pied pipers of false hopes should
via brainbees.
No solution short of controlled depopulation to 3% to 10% of the current
population by 2015 will save life on earth from global dying with the remaining,
reduced population focused on food production and CO2 reversal. Remember,
about 1/3 of the people who have lived in recorded history, the last 10,000
years, are still alive breeding at a rate that is killing life on earth.
The Manheaven Commission will review
public accounts not only for
petrophiliacs but
for false prophets who offer false hopes: Both deserve MD2D, that is, Mandatory
Duty To Die
Care carefully.
The following are elaborations of the above points
False Hopes Elaboration
Compact Flourescent Bulbs
Going from incandescent lightbulbs to flouresent bulbs will save about one
pound of CO2 per day. Thus, if one wants to cancel your CO2 sinning by replacing
lightbulbs, one needs to replace 130,000 lightbulbs. If you replace 10 light
bulbs, you still have to deal with the other 23.995 tons of CO2 sinning for
which you are annually responsible. You could save that amount of CO2 by
turning off a 100 watt bulb for one hour!
DASE! Timistically, you
save one pound of CO2 per day but you sin one and a half pound of CO2 per
second. To feel good about yourself by replacing bulbs is self-lying
when daily you give back less than a second yet you destroy life on earth
the other 86,399 seconds of each day.
Consider the impact of energy savings from flourescent bulbs. In 2006, 88
million were sold. Each million bulbs cancel the CO2 cancer of seven or eight
people. Thus, 88 million bulbs canceled the CO2 sinning of about 600 people.
The bulbs did not cancel the CO2 sins of the other 299,999,400 earth killers
in America. Of the other 6.7 billion people on earth, they are petty, slower
killers of life on earth but just as suicidal.
Hello? Is anyone there? Everyone who takes comfort in doing their part by
switching lightbulbs is self-deluding. This is Al Gore logic, a philandering
high priest of dummy greenness who is into making money off of his green
companies. As the lottery is a tax on those who don't know math so is faith
in florescent lightbulbs a tax on those who ignore the math. Timistically,
saving one pound of CO2 per day when you sin one and a half pound of CO2
per second is like Bile Guts giving $100 to a homeless person when he has
stolen billions of dollars and millions of jobs with his Maggot Soft stock
options--see Bastard Stock
This media hype of going green by replacing lightbulbs is another
example of the media
entertaining us to death
rather than educating us to live. It is akin to restaurants
not offering glasses of water when the average person is responsible for
hundreds and thousands of wasted water each day. It is like buying your daughter
a white dress for Sunday when on weekdays you prostitute her body. Empty
feel-goodies--light bulbs and water glasses--will not connect the
dots to create a network of survival.
Lightbulb replacement is a fuelish facade of feel-goodiness for fools. Like
the Democrats starting the presidential process two years before the election,
dummy greenness distracts people from focusing on the
primary moral imperative: saving
life on earth. The number one problem is not lightbulbs but too many people
with dull bulbs for brains. Unfortunately, the latter is not going to improve
because of the alpha
trifecta of global dying, the
existential meltdown of
civil infrastructures and the
funny mentalists
of religious fanatics. What
needs to be done
probably won't be done. Dummy greenness is environmental meaningless
(Why Eco-Lightbulbs aren't what they seem to be
Planting Trees Offset
Top Double Diapering
Failure to unclog a toilet and continuing to use it merely delays the moment
when all shit breaks out. Likewise with efforts to reduce CO2 by planting
more trees. When the trees die, bacteria will decompose them into CO2. Planting
trees is like continuing to use a stopped up toilet, for the day will come
when the trees will finally die and stinking rot..
Green living and green plantings: For the average person to cancel this year's
carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere (24,000 tons) by planting oak
trees, he would have to have planted 25 acres of oak trees 25 years ago,
that is, it takes 25 acres of 25 year old oak trees to capture the CO2 sinning
of the average American. In a seventy year lifespan that is 1750 acres or
about 3 square miles. For just one year, Americans would have to plant 7.5
billion acres or 900 million square miles. That's more land than the earth
has arable land! And this is just for America's 6% of the world's population,
not the rest of the world's population. Or, consider that the reputed CO2
sink of the world, the Amazon, only sequesters
to 480 pounds of carbon dioxide" per acre, that is, in order for
the average American to "carbon offset." Do the math on how many Amazon acres
are needed just per American CO2 sinner to cancel an American's 480,000,000
pounds of annual carbon dioxide: As few as 1,000,000 acres(480 pounds) to
6,000,000 acres (80 pounds).
This planting math is another way of explaining how in about one century,
humans have burned the equivalent of trillions of acres of CO2. The
original conversion to fossil fuels that took Mother Nature millions
of years to process from CO2 to carbohydrates to hydrocarbons! Most Americans
are lucky. They can't add 2 plus 2 so the math of these millions and billions
is not real, thus, the cancer killing life on earth is not really
Sequestering CO2:
Top Putting CO2 in the ground or under the
ocean is like having a pressure cooker or a boiler without a release valve.
At a certain point the "sequestered" CO2 will release all the imprisoned
molesters at once, a volcanic eruption of destruction. One need only consider
the recurrence of trapped greenhouse gases in the bottom of lakes that kill
thousands of people to see that putting CO2 in the
of the ocean or
is a recipe for disaster.
Coal, Shale and Tar Sands
Top Chose your form of execution, for all lead
to global dying whethe domestic or foreign in origin.
Alternative Fuels
Nuclear energy: It takes a decade to build a nuclear plant with the death
of life accelerating on a monthly basis. Besides, in recent years, in recent
closed down nuclear reactors because the coolant water ponds were too hot
to cool the reactors! The
Southeast drought has the same impending no-nuke policy imposed by Mother
Nature. By time more reactors are built, water will be too hot ... if any
is left after what has boiled off from global dying.
Hydrogen: How is the H2 produced? Burning CO2? Nuclear energy? Hydrogen as
a fuel is like paying your bills with a usury credit card when you could
use interest-free cash.
Bio-fuels: The math shows that this is not energy efficient with the result
that more fuel in your autobody means less food in your body. Fuel or food?
Fools or full? As Nevada farmers say of Las Vegas, "Craps or crops?"
Wind, waves and tides: As the number of earth-spinning brakes are applied
to capture the energy of a spinning earth, the climates, winds and tides
will both change and diminish the efficiency of the wind-mills,
and wave-riders. It is simple calculus. It's
. The climate
instability of the CO2 matrix will be exacerbated by earth spinning brakes.
We will trade the climate-destroying sins of CO2 generation for the
climate-destroying sin of a reduced spin.
Solar power: It is too late to generate enough electricity to maintain the
lifestyles of the American CO2-wasters and the unAmerican CO2-wannabees (6%
versus 94% of population). Based on this writer's understanding of the
CO2 matrix, the means to stop global warming
and global dying will reduce available solar energy. Consider the simple
math: Global warming is due to the earth trapping solar energy. Can we stop
global warming without reducing solar heating? The very process of reducing
solar energy will reduce not only solar energy for solar power but reduce
the solar energy for crop production. Only controlled depopulation can establish
an equilibrium to save life on earth, a process that will take thousands
if not million of years to undo the CO2 sins of several decades.
Electric Cars: Where does the electricity come from? Nuclear energy? If you
like higher food prices from more than 30% of corn going for ethanol, consider
your electric bill as more and more people plug into an already overburdened
electric grid that is increasingly proned to blackouts. It is a classic case
of robbing Peter to pay Paul. The promise of electric cars is an example
of the lefhand not knowing what the right hand is doing: The government give
tax credits to people who by electricity efficient appliances while at the
same time giving tax credits to people who buy electricity dependent cars.
It's like a preacher quoting the Bible as he fornicates with a parishner's
young daughter.
Detroit has a secret energy plan: Really? A constant self-lie of
Chrysler went bankrupt and was bought by a German company.
GM and pension borrowing
Ford closing 30% of plants
Back to the Land:
Top When the city folk have no food, they will go out
to the land to find those who have stockpiled food and announce it by running
E Pluribus OhNo
. In addition, there is no escaping the following environmental
and Burn, Baby, Burn.
When continental fires rage out of control, the back-to-landers will see
their survival milieu burn up like the canyon homes of Californians who wanted
to escape the cities.
Daylight Savings Changes Top The habitual politicians
in the US Congess changed daylight savings to "save" energy. The result is
an increase in energy use.
Religion: Top
If everyone prayed for their God to stop global dying, would the rising tide
of greenhouse gases reverse? Ask King Canute. In organzing people to drive
millions of miles each week for services, bible study and socials, religions
are a major cause of global dying. Furthermore, in saying that only God can
destroy the earth is misleading and dangerous.
Groan Jobs: Top
Most green jobs are life killing jobs. Jobs for
the sake of jobs are like being different for the sake of being different:
Neither improve the quality of life. With global dying accelerating from
overpopulation, the only green jobs are morticians, vasectomists, and serial
murderers. The number one hidden weapon of mass destruction is the human
Political Promises:
Top Most false hopes are funded by habitual politicians
who don't know doodoo about anything except re-election. For their re-election
they reward campaign funders and campaign workers with undeserved rewards,
e.g., ambassadors who do not speak the language of the country to which they
are posted. Other rewards are funds for pork of which the recipients know
doodoo. Another example of how in times of worsening
habitual problems the
only thing worse than not voting is voting for a habitual politician which
is the same as voting for worsening habitual crimes. When politicians make
good policy then the polity in the polis will be polite without police.
Lights Out: Top
In late March, there is a global rolling lights-out for one hour. Crap! This
is liking pissing on a raging forest fire. This is an environmental placebo
that makes people feel good without any real results. Actually, it is worse,
it isenvironmental heroin, crack or meth--take your choice. No doubt, many
do-gooders went home to congratulate themselves on being part of the solution.
The great water saver was unleashed upon consumers
in the guise of a 1.4 gallon flush toilet tank
which requires two or three flushes
for a water loss far greater
than a 2.0 gallon tank |
Afterthoughts: Top
090806: What is being proposed and offered today to solve environmental and
economic problems would have worked five, ten or twenty years ago. Now, this
proposals are worse than false hopes: they divert and drain human time from
the real solutions which, sadly, will. be on the table too late. Tomorrow's
proposal will be the actions needed today.
090901: Financial Falsehopes: Inherent and instrumental in fueling environmental
falsehopes are financial falsehopes. At one extreme are the decapitalist
who think they can survive any human catastrophe if they have the most money
by maintaining and exercising their
dictatorship. Subservient to the money dictators, the
habitual politicians
think they can maintain their privileges by throwing money at the
problems--stimulus packages. This money is provided at high interest rates
by the money dictators. Stimulus money is not merely inflationary but is
like a dying person receiving cocaine or meth instead of good solid food.
The best example in 2009 was the Cash for Clunkers which provided a temporary
boost to auto sales but which will not save the auto industry. Just the opposite:
Cash for Clunkers was a
solution to an industry and economy thirsting for a viable, lasting
solution. Below the legalized thieves and thieving legalizers are the
de-privileged classes of humanity. Their financial falsehopes are public
and private pensions which will not be there. As financial stability fades,
the environment will be trashed more and more with the rate of global dying
accelerating. Every moment or money directed into the economy of wants, waste
and lies speeds up the death of life on earth. As noted in the
Alpha Trifecta,
no one (rich or poor) can escape the mentality debasement by higher CO2
concentrations: Alzheimer, Autism, and ADHD.
100228: I love listening to people who have no knowledge of chemistry, no
calculus and no logic discussing how to save life on earth. For the life
of Mother Earth, they should be euthanized after due process of an appropriate
Euthanized PiedPipers
110128: A Washington Post article detailed the shortcomings of an electric
car in the cold: Battery dying as it gets colder until no power and no
heat. One can see the decline of chemical reactions by putting a batter
powered clock outside in the cold or in one's refrigerator/freezer. Or, one
can place a tube of Crest toothpaste in a cold place to see how mixed chemicals
become thick and sluggish.
Quality Control Tools for Higher
iCube ...
Frog Leaping.
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Dated Links:
Annotated References: HTB
> |
#1 algae |
080530 Bios What Do The Experts Think080530 C N N |
> |
#2 weeds |
080629 Can Weeds Help Solvethe Climate Crisis080629 N Y T |
> |
#3 earth |
080507 D O Eto Spend$126 Mto Sequester C O2-080507 Green Tech |
> |
#4 Ethanol |
080208 Bios Deemeda Greenhouse Threat080208 N Y T |
> |
#5 Bloom Energy |
100223 Secretive Fuel-cell Startup Stirring Hopes Doubts- Bloom100223 Wash Post |
> |
#6 goats |
070605 In Tennessee Goats Eatthe Vine That Atethe South070605 N Y T |
> |
#7 081204 Animal flatulence |
RefsBiblio |
081204 As More Eat Meat, a Bid to Cut Emissions - |
> |
#8 010612 nation's CO2 sins |
auto |
010612 Non-HTM file |
> |
#9 BBC |
091211 Whyeco-lightbulbsarentwhattheyseem091211 B B C |
> |
#10 080203 80 to 480 pounds |
RefsBiblio |
080203 Puzzle Over Amazon Impact On Warming World |
> |
#11 060815 bottom of the ocean |
RefsBiblio |
060815 Deep Sea Cure For Climate Change Urged* |
> |
#12 080507 geostrata |
RefsBiblio |
080507 D O Eto Spend$126 Mto Sequester CO2- |
> |
#13 070821 France |
RefsBiblio |
070821 French Nukes Suffer From Heat Spells- |
> |
#14 080123 US Southeast drought |
RefsBiblio |
080123 Idling Nuke Plants Due To Drought |
> |
#1 Annotated Bibliography |
RefsBiblio |
! R E F S B I B |
No Internal Links, Absolute (non-dated):
Internal Links, Relative (non-dated and ignore lifehour credit links):
> |
#1 carbonEmissions.gif |
auto |
Non-HTM file |
> |
#2 global dying |
071101 |
Global Dying: Summary Overview |
> |
#3 CO2 sinning |
Upload 080527 |
CO2 Sinning Overview |
> |
#4 "flat" tax |
131108[UPLOADED 131108 |
Funny Moments on a 30-day Rail |
> |
#5 tipping point |
060620 |
Tipping Point of Global Warming |
> |
#6 Kodak morality |
100812 |
Kodak Morality |
> |
#7 Manheaven Project |
Upload 120617 |
Index to Manheaven Project |
> |
#8 habitual politicians |
071101 |
Habitual Politicians: Habitual Problems and Terrorism |
> |
#9 petrophiliacs |
071101 |
Petrophilia: Loving oil even if it kills us |
> |
#10 Manheaven Commission |
Upload 120617 |
Index to Manheaven Project |
> |
#11 Care carefully |
100809 |
Care Carefully |
> |
#12 DASE! |
131025 |
DASE: Dumb-Arse Doo-Doo Digesters |
> |
#13 Bastard Stock Options |
120517 |
Bastard Stock Options |
> |
#14 primary moral imperative |
Upload 080527 |
Primary Moral Imperative |
> |
#15 alpha trifecta |
071101 |
Alpha Trifecta: Alzheimers, Autism, ADHD |
> |
#16 existential meltdown |
071101 |
Existential Meltdown |
> |
#17 needs to be done |
100903 |
What Needs To Be Done |
> |
#18 tide-trappers |
RefsBiblio |
Tidal Electric - Technology |
> |
#19 CO2 matrix |
071101 |
CO2 Matrix of Global Drying and Local Flooding |
> |
#20 doodoo digesters |
131015 |
Doo-Doo Digesters: People with Values Based on Gut-Reactions |
> |
#21 AlphaTrifecta |
071101 |
Alpha Trifecta: Alzheimers, Autism, ADHD |
> |
#22 Burn, Baby, Burn |
091216 |
Burn, Baby, Burn! |
> |
#23 habitual problems |
071101 |
Cancerous Habitual Problems: The Gift of Habitual Politicians |
> |
#24 monetary dictatorship |
071101 |
Money Dictatorship |
> |
#25 habitual politicians |
071101 |
Habitual Politicians: Habitual Problems and Terrorism |
> |
#26 saltwater solution |
071101 |
Salt Water Politics |
Current Directory Links
> |
#1 green jobs |
100725 |
Groan Jobs: "Green" Jobs Killing Life On Earth |