Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 3:15 AM
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Subject: Minnesota Legislators: WCCO's culpability in allowing
climage change to worsen to worst drought ever
August 26, 2021
Greetings Minnesota Legislators,
Twenty years ago when I lived in the Twin Cities, I presented WCCO with material showing the role of CO2 causing immediate droughts/fires and downwind deluges and floods (see below, prior emails). I believe WCCO should atone for its past igknowance, i.e., choosing not to know and not to share, by creating a quality commercial 60-minute video of CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule.
If WCCO had started the CO2 drought/deluge dialog, Minnesota would not be in its worst droughts ever. If WCCO does not act on this request, as the initial email shows, this new abnormal is nothing compared to the rapidly accelerating climate change.
I hope you will bring to bear any influence you have upon WCCO to do the right thing. If they don’t, I will act when I get in Congress to have their broadcast license revoke and to have its weather staff barred from meteorological and media employment. The time for half-measures is long past.
If you would like for me to travel to explain the CO2 Killer Molecule essay, please email me.
Sincerely, and hopefully,
Robert “Bob” S. Barnett
(email sent to WCCO
[New York Time map added later])
August 24, 2021
Twenty years ago I showed the WCCO manager a teaser ad video on climate change—YouTube. She did not want to see the explanatory video: CO2 Killer Molecule. Since then the broad impact of CO2 has been expanded into a checklist essay: CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule.
To quote Burke, Evil triumphs when good men don’t act. Twenty years ago, WCCO could have begun a dialog that could have reduce the rate of global warming and drought-driven fires. The same is true today for a different WCCO staff explaining, pros and cons.
I encourage you to not only have a multi-series daily 30-60 second clip of each part of the CO2 killer essay, but consider making a 60 minute documentary to be aired on national TV. You will have no problem finding corporate sponsors. Failure to do the good act will have you labeled as climate criminals.
I am available to guide the project for transportation and
lodging costs—I am not interested in compensation for my knowledge. Shucks, I’m
in my eighth decade and don’t need more pennies to worry me. The project should
not take more than a week as different staff members will have a part with WCCO
stitching together the parts deem best. Some of the parts could be the daily
teaser clips
Below is an essay I am beginning to market to 12,000 relevant global climate
researchers. It explains the simple molecular basis of CO2’s many impacts.
I have a list of climate criminals from 1982 onward. WCCO can atone for its 2001 failure. Or, will WCCO be a double entry on my “Climate Criminals” listing?
Bob Barnett
804-801-2130 (text only, I don’t answer voice mail)
Hydrophilia: The molecular "how"
of droughts, fires and floods and "why" Carbon Dioxide--The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule.
(The New York Times published (Aug 24) an article with the below map: These Maps Tell the Story of Two Americas: One Parched, One Soaked. It shows the sequence and consequences of CO2 of a carbonated atmosphere.
For every dollar of infrastructure lost to forest fires, the
downwind deluges destroy hundreds if not thousands of dollars of past human
My unique qualifications have allowed me to understand climate
change better than others
I am in my eighth decade and care naught for fame nor fortune. I
care to leave a legacy of a T.O.E. based on quantifying the time in any
event/entity (Theory Of Everything). Time is the thread in the fabric of life
... the gravity of existence from whence one can discern E=MC²=hf. Timism is a heuristic tool.
Since 1976 that I have used Timism to not only molecularize climate dynamics
but to point to the needed, shovel-ready tool to stop and reverse climate
hell: Brainbees.
Over the decades since 1978, more than 30,000 government, academic
and media documents have been downloaded to buttress Timism as the Periodic
Table of Existence based on time quantification. Timism is not an opinion based
on gut reactions, but a conclusion based on the Calculus of Reality derived
from the math of Mother Nature.
I hope you do your part for the Primary
Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from climate hell. You
have an opportunity to open the mind of humanity not only to a better
understanding of climate change but to a more dire respect for the rapid
Will you be a climate-saver or a climate-criminal? If you have
read this far, you are part of the solution moreso than part of the problem.
Bob Barnett
Follow: @24in4WorkWeek
Youtube: CO2 Killer Molecule ... Global Dying Channel
For live links (if you receive .txt instead of .html file), visit
Copyright 2021 Robert S. Barnett (Material may be used and cited
for promoting climate change awareness.)