Please Note: This was originally written along with software after the 2000 Presidential election which was not only stolen, but with an "in your face" false count: "Bush won Florida by 537 votes" the same number of House (435), Senate(100) and At-Large members(2). The Republican-majority Supreme Court violated the U.S. Constitution by not deferring the issue to the House of Representatives. Today, 2024, Republicans judges (Supreme and Federal) are making decisions to help the re-election of a lying, thieving pervert. The following 201 text will be revised and the software updated when Timism has five angels. |
This interfaces with the Super
Brainbee's Coding for inexpensive, honest primaries and voting. Surf Wisely: Read the whole page before reviewing links
Voting Reform:
Complex Problems The state of voting in America is summarized in the following sections: Problems, Policy-Mocking, and Solutions. Among the solutions are
This free, immediately available one-two punch makes a farce of the claims that billions must be spent on systems that won't be available for years and which will be outdated in months with company support suspect in these days of dot.bombs. Whatever the annual cost,
If you find the tone at times bitter, it is because this writer has been a victim of election fraud and knows that without popular demand, the habitual politicians will finance expensive reforms without real change. Voting In America: The following links contain summarize over news accounts of the state of elections and voting in America.
The seven members of the Gray Matter council for Voting Registrars become the members of the Federal Election Commission, an agency in need of reform.
Touch screens are confusing and discombobulating, especially when compared to downloadable ballots.
Outline: Votetime Templates |
Cost of voting (from Googling "voting costs")
"For example, a candidate who won an election to the House of Representatives in 1990 spent on average $407,600 (equivalent to $950,000 in 2023), while the winner in 2022 spent on average $2.79 million; in the Senate, average spending for winning candidates went from $3.87 million (equivalent to $9.03 million in 2023)."
"The average cost to run for a U.S. Senate seat became more expensive during the 2022 cycle. In 2018, the average general election Senate candidate raised $10.8 million, adjusted for inflation. During the 2022 cycle, that average jumped to $13.5 million.Feb 7, 2023."
Grassroots Gerrymandering will eliminate the following waste and the implicit CO2-sinning from doing expensive, unnecessay things.
Simply summarized: VoteTime is a universal, global voting system for
any country. It complements and enhances the
Brainbee. VoteTime allows citizens to print and mark ballots at home
before arriving at a polling station. Old computers and scanners allow quick
scanning with a printed timestamped receipt. VoteTime will lower operating
costs by 75% to 90% and, more importantly, end voters standing in lines to
vote. In capital costs, VoteTime will save $13 to $15 billion in replacing
the crappy machines rushed into polling booths after the 2000 voting disaster.
While other people design voting systems with dollar gains in mind, VoteTime
was designed as part of a broad reform of public policy-making to fulfill
Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change. What good
is wealth if life is worthless? If you do not know the answer, ask the dead
or dying. Probably you are part of the problem rather than the solution,
a CO2-sinner from wants rather than from needs ... a cancer instead of a