Lottery of Global Dying: Russian
Roulette Before Mass Die Off
History of
greater primary laws: Greece, Rome, England, 1776, 1863.
of and for the Primary Moral Imperative
the primary moral
imperative requires better capitalism as provided by two timistic tools:
lifehours and touch-tone manager. Without better capitalism, the focus for
too many will be a selfish get-rich instead of the primary moral imperative.
Thanks to usury, we now can echo Winston Chuchill's war time accolade for
the pilots of the Royal Air Force: "Never was so much owed by so many
to so few." Either we replace usury or usury will kill life on earth
as it impedes needed economic reality of wealth being the same as worth and
of symbols married to substance.
Saving life on earth is not a popularity contest. Too many people
think that truth is established by the number of people espousing a
. Truth exists
independently of human knowing or igknowing
). The truth that global
dying is occurring will still be a truth after the last human has died. If
everyone believes in a God that does not exist then that God still does not
exist. If everyone is a liar or self-liar, it does not make a lie into a
truth. A democracy will not last if it makes the lies of popular ignorance
into "truths." The
dictators funding mass
mismedia to popularize lies as truths is not a solution to real
problems. Saving life on earth is not a popularity contest.
The Laws of Mother Nature not only
preceded but supersede the arbitrary, subjective and politicized laws of
humankind. Failure to observe this relationship of the superlative to the
petty is a recipe for disaster. Mother Nature's Laws grind the human law
tablets into dust and shreds the human paper laws into dirt. This is why
the primary moral imperative of saving life on earth
trumps all human laws.
Those who deny or retard the observation of the primary moral imperative
will be the first to suffer
Depopulation to save life on earth. Should we fail to save life on earth
it will be because the Laws of Mother Nature triumphed over humankind like
a volcanic lava flow over flora and fauna. In the end, the Laws of Mother
nature will still rule on earth even if the earth is as barren as the moon
in being devoid of life. Same Mother, just a new evolution and environment
from disciplinary actions of unruly offspring. 100103
Violator Brainbees
at Each Level
A Growth
Imperative--David Brooks, NYT, 100730--a
mediac with the wrong values and
As states rights are trumped by human rights so are both trumped by earth
rights, the primary moral imperative.
The primary moral imperative embraces the first part of Kant's Categorical
Imperative in that one has a duty to act morally, that is, timistically,
one has a duty to be as time creative as possible which can be quantified
in time a priori with video rather than Kodak moment morality. The
second part of Kantian morality is utterly wrong, that is, the motives of
the person is essential to a moral action to which the objection can be raised:
The road to hell is paved with the good motives from bad values. Kant rejected
the thesis that the outcome justified the action as moral or immoral which
clearly violates the sentiment of morality being the morality of more time.
Why did Kant have this twist in his logic that good deeds did not define
morality. Look no further than the Christian tenet that it is by faith, not
good deeds, that one enters the Christian Heaven. Look no further than Kant
needing an explanation to justify the existence of god, to wit, we need to
be moral for a better life which means we need a motive bigger than our
self-interest. Thus, there must be a god since we need something bigger than
us to do the right thing.
To save life on earth requires reducing
CO2 sinning per capita which requires
increasing productivity
per capita which requires
raising the iCube per capita.