(Updates Announced at Twitter.com/Brainbees)

Dedicated to the Godfather and Midwife of CrowJimism:
Without Mr. Parker Agelasto and Ms. Amy Robins,
this website would never have been coded.
The U.S. owes them a debt for exposing
institutionalized black racism.
They owe me big time.

A Threat to the
Primary Moral Imperative
of Saving Life on Earth
from Climate Chaos

Anne Street, RVA: Crime-Free Zone for Black Law-Breakers
Where a white man gets beat up regularly by a black crime family.
Un-arrested law-breakers (click for videos): If I did any of these things, I would spend time in jail. Why? I am white in a racist black-dominated city.
  1. Child-Care Operator, Betty Ann Brown:
    1. You're never going to get it ... motherfucker (Brandishing Weapon) The mean-spirited matriarch
    2. Riot Inciter, Calling Grandsons,
    3. Bullet-ridden Car
    4. Brown chases me with a plank (transcript) [plank scene at 2:10]
    5. Brown chases me with a brick
    6. Party Hardy: Anne Street Blocked
    7. Brown Sucker Punches me (transcript) I was in middle of street recording loud radio 90+decibels.
    8. Sucker Punch #2: "I'll Kill You"(5 times) ... has to be written (Officer Pullen)
      1. Will you close the car door so I can drive by (transcript)
      2. Tries to run over me (transcript)
      3. Sequence of threats and assaults (transcript): [Please note my non-profane comments.  Sadly, my wife was present and witnessed the events, calling 911.]
    9. Red-Lining Neighborhood
  2. Dept. of Corrections Employee
    1. Your wife ain't shit
    2. funky ass ... you ain't shit
    3. Entrappers: You can come out.
    4. Sucker Punches me when I complain about loud music. Per RPD instruction, she get warrants against me trespassing.
    5. Invading Privacy: Cocoa Clanswoman
  3. A Sun-Trust employee
    1. Fucking signs ...
    2. What the cops going to do ...
    3. Faggot White Ass
  4. Phillip Morris Employee: Motherfucker ... Motherfucker
  5. Epitome of CrowJimism: 180416

Thank you, Chief "Redlight" Durham ... Thank you, Parker "Godfather" Agelasto

Betty Ann Brown and Daughters Videos  100+(Categories ... Timeline)
Richmond Police Department (Emails 25+)

  1. I have never threatened the Blanders with a gun as they allege.
  2. I have not been on their property since November, 2012
  3. I have not initiated any contact since 2012.
  4. My interactions have been reactions to their breaking laws that impact my life.

Have's and Have Not's

Wanted: 14th Amendment Litigators: Violation of Equal Rights Clause (FOIAs)


Between 2003 and 2012 I did about $15,000 in improvements to a Betty Ann Brown's property at 401 Bland, Richmond, VA. It was a way of repaying the widowed great-grandmother who raised me.

One day in November, 2012, Betty Ann Brown started yelling at me for reasons and in words that I could not fully understand except for her referring to me as a thief and to a neighbor as a "white bitch." That was the end of my doing things for the neighbors. Thereafter, the neighbors went out of their way to hassle this writer primarily with noisy car radios parked in front of his door. Repeated police calls and emails resulted in "CrowJimism" as a descriptor of police inaction, or, worse.

For almost forty years since 1979, I have lived on Anne St that is composed of two corner lots which I own. It is 120 foot-long. It is 15 foot-wide, basically an alley. In 2016, my tax assessment increased by 47.22%. Was this due to CrowJimism, that is, my neighbors having black friends in the assessors office as well as the police department and in public works?

A funny, ironic and tragic fact is the "Mrs. Brown Childcare" signs I purchased as a Christmas gift in 2010. The result was an influx of police parents using her services. Thus, as my complaints to the police increased, the lies she told prompted the police to view and treat me as the baddie. Amusingly, and tragic, was the child abuse visited upon the infants of the police, some of which was captured on video.

In Spring, 2017, a Richmond public works field supervisor issued a work order to erect no parking signs on both sides of Anne Street for safety and traffic concerns (fire truck stuck). A short time after the signs went up, the neighbors told me in profanity-laced language (see below) that the signs were coming down. The signs did come down on their side of the street. On my side, the signs remained.

Some DPW administrator reversed the field supervisor's work order.   Freedom of Information Act requests have been ignored: Dept of Public Works ... Mayor Stoney.

In the Jim Crow era, a black learned not to complain about a law-breaking white to white policemen. Insult was added to i njury or worse, e.g., fire-bombings, beatings or lynching. CrowJim is a white suffering discrimination from blacks for complaining about a law-breaking black. As Jim Crow had the Klu Klux Klan, CrowJim has the Cocoa Clan.

As a term, a descriptor and a websegment, "CrowJimism" would never have seen the light of day if the first RPD LIO (Richmond Police Department Law Igknowing Officer) had written a ticket for my neighbor's illegal parking which was damaging and destroying my property (the cause for the stop signs that a CrowJimmer removed). The neighbor would have started observing the law. I would have focused on Timism instead of her distracting actions and other lawbreaking : drugs, vehicle safety, child endangerment, welfare fraud, sibling abuse, etc.

Even after many years, the Richmond City Council, Mayor, RPD and DPW choose to do nothing. The RPD has never issued a citation to my neighbors who have had numerous police calls for domestic disturbances. Repeatedly, my rights under the "equal protection under the law" second clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution have been violated by Richmond CrowJimmers.

Trying to reduce the visual distractions, I covered my porch door with a mirror film only to realize that they know when I eat at 6:30 with the KMA and bird-flip whether they see me or not. This has died down for a while.

Racist, Law-Breaking, CrowJim Richmond Police Department:
Asked to Beg: This illegal parking caused delivery trucks to the beer joing to drive up on my lawn leaving deep ruts. The first officer, black, to respond said he would not tell the women to move the car unless I first asked them to move the car. CrowJimism! A white being forced to beg a black to have laws enforced by a black police officer.

Adding icing to the cake, he said that I did not respect these women. When I attempted to explain that "respect" derives from "re-inspect" and that inspecting the cars parking location show a violation of the law, he responded, that is not what respect means. It used to be that respect went where respect is due except for CrowJimism which apparently means KMA.
Privacy is for Blacks Only: Another officer responded to the neighbors' request for a private conversation by walking away from me after telling me to not to go anywhere. The daughter looked back and flipped me the bird. When I requested the nature of the conversation, I was told it was private. When I asked for a private conversation, I was told that anything I had to say could be told in front of the neighbors. CrowJimism.
"I'm the law here": Another officer responding to my parking complaint said he could not see how a turning vehicle would drive up on my property--the obvious ruts notwithstanding. He was driving one of those new black/white pipsqueakers which has a smaller turn radius far less than a semi delivery truck. When I noted the state law, he responded, "I'm the law here." CrowJimism, again.
Stop Calling Us: Another officer responding to a new parking problems said I needed to have the city widen the road. I pointed out that it costs less to write a ticket to enforce the law. His response, "You should stop calling about these parking problems. We are going to stop responding." That was my last call for a number of years. Invisible Man
They announce their presence ... Video Voyeur?: If you think I spend my days watching my neighbors 24/7, I don't have to. To irritate me, they drive up in their cars with radios blasting which announces their presence. With my trusty cameras, I have recorded many law violations. The violations are useless with CrowJim LIO's, but not eventually in a court of law.
If you want peace and quiet, you should move. 171215
Don't Confront Neighbors
Don't Park in Front of Your House
Don't Call US, We Won't Respond: Two 911 calls with no response to street party
Don't Invade Privacy of Noisy Neighbors 180310 Suckered Punched ... Cocoa Clanswoman
Numerous other, documented law-breaking by Richmond Police will be conveyed to the attorneys litigating the 14th Amendment Equal Clause.

Per George Orwell's Animal Farm, worse than institutional white racism is institutional black racism where some victims replace the victimizer with new levels of mistreatment of other victims.

FYI: Primary Moral Imperative: Save Life on Earth

  1. The Past: UG Transcript (2-years cum laude) * Resume * Achievements * References (proud of last one) * Bona Fides * Climate Change Essays * DD214
  2. The Future: Timism.com ...  Existential Meltdown
Violation of Robert S. Barnett's Equal Rights Protection under 14th Amendment to U.S. Constitution
(Date is URL of email message where applicable and appropriate.)
Denial Duration
Violations due to CrowJimism: Reverse Discrimination ... black racial profiling of whites. Salvation

180112 Mayor Stoney: CrowJim Croynism? No Anne Street FOIA response from DPW director
180108 2nd Wall of Richmond Being a Timism Deadzone (VCU) UVA, VSU, W&M, etc. 

180103 FOIA Deadline 180110: Dept of Public Works--Sign Work Orders, Supervisor, CrowJimmer

171229 Request new signs: No Parking ... No Standing ... $100 Fine ... Legal Hate
171227 1st Wall of Richmond Being a Timism Deadzone (RPS) CCPS
171226 Launched NORA

171215 Richmond City Council re-informed of DPW/DPU administrator reversing field supervisor's work order

CrowJimism in the Raw: "No Parking" Signs Saga

170720 "No Parking" signs removed by DPW administrator who over-ruled supervisor's work order ... Noise resumes ... Lawsuit pursuit re-started.

1707-- Inside Job:  Fucking signs coming down ... Law does not matter ... Faggot White Ass ... Never going to get it
170526 "No Parking" Signs Installed ... ... Lawsuit cancelled.
170511 Request for "No Parking" Signs

(Over 100 recorded or photographed CrowJim or lawbreaking incidences in five years ... RPD Emails)

Five years

121225 Original violation: "I don't write tickets on the birthday of my savior Jesus Christ"

History, 2018

  1. 180516 Court Firetruck: Jurisprudence CrowJimism
  2. 1805?? Bullied and browbeated in court
  3. 180617 Parker Agelasto Removal Request
  4. 180618 Warrant/Arrest Request of Commonwealth Attorney
  5. 180621 Dismissal of Charges (not sent)
  6. 1806?? Magistrate Malfesance Denial of Due Process/14th Amendment Violation