Nobel Prizes: The Competition to Kill Life On Earth
Ironic? Nothing can be more ironic than the history and impact of Nobel Prizes. When Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, read his pre-mature obituary, he was shocked. He was characterized as the man most responsible for death in war, a merchant of death. To reverse the summary judgment of history, he assigned his rights and wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prizes to promote the betterment of mankind. Evilution resulted because of the focus: Help mankind but not mother nature.
A timistic analysis of the Nobel Prize winners show a predominant
focus, that is, foster further
overpopulation of an overpopulated world. The number one problem with humanity
is too many people. If there is a hidden weapon of mass destruction, it is
the human genitalia which the Nobel committees have multiplied rather than
minimize. Every prize that rewarded someone who increase food production
or saved lives has a prize winner who helped kill life on earth.
In addition, the prize in Economics has been to worsen
decapitalism, that is, capitalism
for a fewer few. Being a fund that depends on the ill-got gains of
the selection committees must reward the champions of decapitalism. It is
like the US gas-guzzler of higher education,
, which engages
in unethical business practices to help its funding. Publicly, it is God's
gift to education. Privately, in the details are the workings of an evil
Without a ManHeaven Project to avoid the recovery point, life on earth will die because of the CO2 impact of too many people. Ironic? Nothing can be more ironic than how the Nobel's goal of bettering humanity has, in fact, destroyed not only humanity but life on earth.
No "select" group of people have a greater per capita guilt for the death
of life on earth than the Nobel Laureates as well as members of the selecting
committees--some of the worst
that one can find.. It would be inappropriate to allow these headline mass
murderers to participate in the ManHeaven Project. Strategically and technically,
their priorities and achievements are of the wrong values. Not only should
the Nobel selectees and selectors be denied ManHeaven participation but the
level of punishment and exclusion should be of the highest level, that is,
gene pool
draining. God damn these malvalued fools who are responsible for too
many people and too many deaths.
The nation of Sweden is not guilty of involuntary man slaughter but of involuntary humanity extinction. Guilt by Association.
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