Hurricanes For Dummies

In the atmosphere, CO2 is a dessicant that forms non-reflecting, non-refracting FRQ clusters.
CO2 cloaks moisture as seen in the disappearing hurricanes quadrants.
(Notice the visible shape differences of season's 1st hurricanes over Florida, 1992 vs. 2006.)

Andrew 1992 lower CO2

Alberto 2006 higher CO2

The same cloaking is seen in cloud sucking over cities or burning fossil fuels to disperse fogs. Locally generated CO2 blastomas are why one hears weathermen talk about upper atmospheric rainfall being stopped by lower level dry air. The air is not dry. It is the CO2 bubble/blastoma from the cities burning fossil fuels. The stuff that makes dry ice--CO2--is binding the water: Your CO2 sinning is soaking up the rain you often need. The best US example is the expanding Texas Holocaust  resulting from Texans gassing themselves with dessicating CO2 sinning: worsening drought, crop loss and dry rivers.  Rick Perry's economic and energy policies of increasing fossil fuel burning has caused the worst drought in the history of Texas, a drought that has relatives in other parts of the world ... a drought that will expand like a fire in the middle of a piece of cloth.

The proposed Keystone Gas pipeline from Canada to Texas will be like fighting a fire with gasoline. It is another example of how the arsonists who started the fires of the existential meltdown are in charge of putting out the fires. It will do to Texas what the Alaskan pipeline has done to polar regions. The burned natural gas from polar oil wells has generated a CO2 covering that captures normal precipitation which the jet streams deliver to the lower lattitudes along with the moisture's coldness--see CO2 organic thesis. Thus, the deniers offer the colder, wetter winters as proof that global warming is a hoax when in fact these polar blast are like standing in front of your opened freezer door wherein you food is thawing: Since 1970, polar temperatures have risen about ten degrees with the snowpack and ice cap decreasing in volume by about 75%. It is like confusing the energy rebound of a dying cocaine addict after another fix.

When the polar ice cap goes, probably 2012/2013, we will suffer a massive collapse of the foodchain (see Polar Timebomb). By 2015, 90% of humanity will be dead from starvation--see conclusions. The Texas Holocaust is a harbinger of the Global Holocaust, the holy cost of petrophilia. Claims that the Keystone pipeline will make jobs and will grow the economy are like a concentration camp commander claiming more gas ovens will make jobs and grow the economy. Zyklon-B killed millions. CO2 is killing life on earth.

Recent unusual hurricane activity (1970 onward) reflects the rising levels of CO2 which has been absorbing the water that is either part of the hurricane or would be part of a hurricane.

  1. The previous whole donut shapes have been replaced by shredded masses--compare the first hurricanes of 1992 and 2006, Andrew versus Alberto.
  2. The expected rate of hurricane formation (2006) dropped as from the rise in CO2 in the Atlantic hurricane breeding ground being downwind from the forest fires of Europe.
  3. If CO2 does not prevent formation then the resulting hurricanes will increase in intensity if the CO2 is saturated. If unsaturated--see Bonnie, the Smoking Gun--a mass of CO2 will reduce a hurricane's strength.
  4. Another factor affecting hurricane formation, duration and temperature is the ocean's temperature. As noted in Homemade Ice Cream the accerated melting of the Greenland ice cap is reducing the temperature of the Atlantic current off the west coast of Africa. This will reduce hurricane formation. However, this is a ticking time bomb, for when the ameliorating affect of the melting ice cap is past tense, the Atlantic current will be like a glass of water on a hot day after the ice is melted. Since CO2 can dampen hurricanes so can it dampen hurricane formation.

As the CO2 plumes from the oil fields of the Arabian Peninsula has since 1967 dessicated the Horn of East Africa so has the CO2 plumes from forest fires on the Iberian Peninsula decimated the Hurricanes of the Eastern Atlantic. The drop in hurricane formation is a serious indication of the how global warming has accelerated into global dying, for if rising CO2 can stop the formation of clouds for hurricanes it can, has and will stop the formation of clouds for the harvests. For another view, see Where Are the Hurricane?

The following is an outline by which the writer keeps some thoughts in order like a crib sheet or Cliff note.
Issues/Essays References
  1. Blastomas of CO2
  2. Changes from CO2 (Index)
  3. Cloaking Hurricanes
  4. Cloaking, WWBT-12
  5. CO2 is a dessicant
  6. CO2 Role in Highs and Lows
  7. Dynamics of Hurricanes from CO2 matrix
  8. Petrophiliacs
  9. Quadrants
  10. ShapeShifter Charley 2004
  11. Smoking Byte
  12. WWBT 2005 Letter
  13. 2006: Where Are the Hurricane?
  1. Categories: Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
  2. Cyclonic Systems (map): Cyclones, Hurricane, Monsoons, Typhoon,
  3. Formation Zones: Hurricane Alley
  4. History
  5. Quadrants: ... Intensity ... Image ... North/South Hemisphere (see Brazil)
  6. Paths: Hooks and Horseshoes
  7. Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
  8. Typhoons: Japan record 10th/6 ... rarity at equator

When I see TV weathermen talking about all the great technology, e.g., dopplers, storm trackers, etc., I am reminded of the kid who gets a computers with a graphics program and thinks he is Picasso.

Year Poster Dir Images C Hurricanes Webpages and Images
prior none
1990s none IndexDir Images 1992 Andrew ... 1993 Emily
1996 Fran ... ... 1999 Dennis ... 1999 Floyd
1991 Dir Images Perfect Storm
1996 Dir Images George
2000 Poster Dir n.a. Daniel
2001 Poster Dir Images Allison
2002 none Dir Images Gustav ... Lilli
2003 Poster Dir Images 5 Isabel
2004 Poster Dir Images Record 5 Simultaneous Hurricanes ... Paths ... Storm Dates ... Sequence
Dir Brazil: H20 Loop ... IR Loop
Dir Images 0 Bonnie: Notes ... Table of NOAA Forecasts
Dir Images 0811 Bonnie-Charley: What About Charley?
Dir Images 0815 4 Charley: What About Charley? ... ShapeShifter ... Lifetime Collage ... Table of Forecasts
Dir Images 0904 4 Frances: Movie ... Animation ... Stalled Boundary
Dir Images 1 Gaston: Photos of Richmond Virginia
Dir Images 0913 5 Ivan
Dir Images 0925 3 Jeanne (movie)
2005 Dir images Arlene, Cindy, Ophelia, Rita
Dir images 0707 Dennis
Dir images 0831 5 Katrina

Quality Control Tools for Higher iCube ... Frog Leaping.
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 > #1 rarity at equator 030405 Typhoon Rare Equator030405 U S Atoday
 > #2 Gustav auto 020909 2002 Gustav N O A A020909 C N N
 > #3 Cindy auto 050706 Cindy050706 C N N
 > #4 Ophelia auto 050915 ophelia050915 C N N
(D) Templates:
 > #1 Categories Hurricane Categories
 > #2 map auto hurricane Cyclone Typhoon- Indian Beach Police
 > #3 Formation Zones auto formation Zones- Hurricane Alley Net
 > #4 Atlantic Storms-1996-2001 Atlantic Storms1996-2001
 > #5 1950-2004 US Land Falls auto 1950-2004 U S Land Falling
 > #6 Major US Storms Hurricane History- Major U S
 > #7 Retired Names Retirementof Hurricane Names
 > #8 Worldwide names 2005-2010 Worldwide Tropical Cyclone Names2005-2010
 > #9 Intensity Hurricane Heaviest Rain Front Right- N O A A
 > #10 Image auto hurricane Quadrants- Hurricane- Com
 > #11 Hooks and Horseshoes auto Hurricane Hooks
 > #12 Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale Hurricane Categories
 > #13 Japan record 10th\6 Typhoons10th Japan040918 Tass
 > #14 Poster auto 2000cyclone
 > #15 Poster auto 2001cyclone
 > #16 Poster auto 2003cyclone
(E) No Internal Links, Absolute (non-dated):
(F) Internal Links, Relative (non-dated and ignore lifehour credit links):
 > #1 cloud sucking 071101 Cloud Sucking CO2
 > #2 disperse fogs 071101 Fog Dispersal Article:
 > #3 CO2 sinning Upload 080527 CO2 Sinning Overview
 > #4 existential meltdown 071101 Existential Meltdown
 > #5 CO2 organic thesis 100315 Organic Thesis of Atmospheric CO2 Behind Droughts and Deluges
 > #6 Polar Timebomb 100303 Polar Time Bomb: 2010?, 2011?, 2012?
 > #7 conclusions 100307 Conclusion History of RSB
 > #8 Global Holocaust 111220 Holocaust of Global, Final Scale--Index
 > #9 petrophilia 071101 Petrophilia: Loving oil even if it kills us
 > #10 Homemade Ice Cream 100307 Homemade Ice Cream and FRQ Clusters
 > #11 East Africa 071101 1967+ SubSahara Drought
 > #12 CO2 is a dessicant 071101 CO2 Is A Dessicant
 > #13 CO2 Role in Highs and Lows 140605 Highs and Lows of CO2
 > #14 Petrophiliacs 071101 Petrophilia: Loving oil even if it kills us
 > #15 WWBT 2005 Letter 071101 WWBT NBC 12, Richmond Virginia 050927
(G) Current Directory Links IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,IX,
 > #1 cloaks 071101 Cloaking Hurricanes
 > #2 CO2 blastomas 071101 Blastomas Of CO2
 > #3 Andrew versus Alberto 071101 Where Are The Hurricanes in 2006?
 > #4 Bonnie, the Smoking Gun 071101 The Smoking Byte
 > #5 Where Are the Hurricane? 071101 Where Are The Hurricanes in 2006?
 > #6 Blastomas of CO2 071101 Blastomas Of CO2
 > #7 Changes from CO2 071101 Hurricane Changes from CO2
 > #8 Cloaking 071101 Cloaking Hurricanes
 > #9 Cloaking, WWBT-12 071101 Cloaking examples prepared for WWBT12, NBC, Richmond Virginia 050927
 > #10 Quadrants 071101 Quadrant Intensity
 > #11 ShapeShifter 071101 Charley, the ShapeShifter
 > #12 Smoking Byte 071101 The Smoking Byte
 > #13 Brazil 071101 Brazil 2004, First Ever Recorded Hurricane in Southern Hemisphere
 > #14 Images 071101 Hurricane Images 1990s
 > #15 1992 Andrew auto NO TITLE
 > #16 1993 Emily auto NO TITLE
 > #17 1996 Fran auto NO TITLE
 > #18 1999 Dennis auto NO TITLE
 > #19 1999 Floyd auto NO TITLE
 > #20 Images 071101 Perfect Storm Images
 > #21 Perfect Storm 071101 Perfect Storm: CO2 Blastoma, the missing catalyst
 > #22 Images 071101 Hurricane George Images
 > #23 George 071101 Hurricane George Images
 > #24 Daniel auto NO TITLE
 > #25 Images 071101 Images, Allison, 2001
 > #26 Allison 071101 Images, Allison, 2001
 > #27 Images 071101 Hurricane Isabel 2003 Images
 > #28 Lilli 071101 Lilli Images Index
 > #29 Isabel 071101 Isabel Index Graphic
 > #30 Poster auto NO TITLE
 > #31 Images 071101 Hurricances 2004 Images
 > #32 Record 5 Simultaneous Hurricanes auto NO TITLE
 > #33 Paths auto NO TITLE
 > #34 Dates 071101 Atlantic hurricane names 2005
 > #35 Images 071101 Hurricane Bonny 2004 Images
 > #36 Bonnie 071101 Bonnie Referenced Images
 > #37 Images 071101 Hurricane Bonny Charley 2004 Images
 > #38 Bonnie-Charley 071101 Bonnie-Charley images
 > #39 What About Charley? 071101 What about Charley? Ask Bonnie?
 > #40 Images 071101 Hurricane Charley 2004 Images
 > #41 Charley 071101 Charley Reference Images
 > #42 Table of Forecasts File does not exist:\GLOBAL~1\HURRIC~1\2004\CHARLEY\!R-TABLE\TABLEP~1.HTM
 > #43 Images 071101 Hurricane Frances 2004 Images
 > #44 Frances 071101 Frances 2004 Images
 > #45 Images 071101 Hurricane Gaston 2004 Images
 > #46 Gaston 071101 Gaston Photos
 > #47 Images 071101 Hurricane Ivan 2004 Images
 > #48 Ivan 071101 2004 Ivan Hurricane
 > #49 Images 071111 Hurricane Jeanne 2004 Images
 > #50 Jeanne 071101 Jeanne 2004
 > #51 movie auto NO TITLE
 > #52 images 071101 Hurricanes 2005 Images
 > #53 Arlene auto NO TITLE
 > #54 Rita auto NO TITLE
 > #55 images 071101 Hurricane Dennis 2005 Images
 > #56 Dennis 071101 Dennis 2005 Images
 > #57 images 071101 Hurricane Katrina 2005 Images
 > #58 Katrina 071101 Katrina 2005 Images

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