Too Little Too Late
Timism is a lifelong endeavor and obsession of this writer beginning when
he was an undergraduate where he formulated a description of mental processes
as "Rate of
In graduate school, the processes were found to apply to other levels of
existence if the processes were quantified/qualified in time, whence, timism.
After abdicating from academia for true intellectual freedom, in the late
1970's and early 1980's, a
series of books were
written first and foremost for self-edification on economics and politics.
From these inquiries and from putting pen to paper, he became a true believer
in the benefits of optimal
democracy and true
To justified these problem-solving twins, four books on needed reforms were
written: Principles, Election, Taxation and Employment/Education. If they
had been implement we would not have the
legacy of monetary colonialism
as well as the
existential meltdown.
Unfortunately, neither the political nor publishing world were interested.
He forged on, starting a company based on implementing democracy and capitalism in the work place: AESOP, American Employee Stock Ownership Plan. The principles were outlined in Managing Without Managers. Unfortunately, the self-management and self-reward tools that empowered employees were not strong enough, apparently, to overcome employees ignorance of logical self-interest. Employees would not charge customers for services rendered.
A few times he ran for public office. Did well, but not good enough. He offered the tools of timism to Ross Perot whose 1992 campaign slogan was not "Read my lips" but "Read my mind" for he had complaints but no solutions. Further paths were explored.
During the attempts to share and implement better democracy and capitalism to reverse the obvious existential meltdown, the elephant in the room grew larger and larger. What had been described as global warming was now recognized as global dying. With this growing recognition came the realization that the solutions for the 1970's and 1980's would be too little, too late. Likewise, newly formulated solutions are found to be irrelevant as the speed of global dying accelerates.
The re-timing of human activity must be done quickly and swiftly if we are to fulfill the primary moral imperative of saving life on earth. We need the whole plan. We need simple solutions. We need to act yesterday, not tomorrow.
One reasons why the habitual
politicians will do too little too late is
false hopes combined with their
re-election addiction. People are being repeatedly misled about the impact
of their actions to stop global warming. Of course, the people have themselves
to blame for being one or all of the following:
illogical aliens
etc. Another reason is the pollyanna words that mislead in people understanding
what is happening, e.g., global warming instead of global dying, carbon footprint
instead of carbon sinning.
What would stop global dying today will not stop it tomorrow, next week or
next year. The numbers of people getting off
deathrow dwindles daily. What could
have been will not be.
Is too late
new values and views?
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> | #1 series | 071101 | Writing Index for Better Democracy and Capitalism |
> | #2 democracy | 071101 | Decapitalism: Index |
> | #3 capitalism | 071101 | Capitalism Index: Capitalism is no failing |
> | #4 existential meltdown | 071101 | Existential Meltdown |
> | #5 AESOP | 071111 | AESOP: American Employee Stock Ownership Plan |
> | #6 Managing Without Managers | 071101 | Managing without Managers: Acknowledgement |
> | #7 tools of timism | 080610 | Tools of Timism |
> | #8 Ross Perot | 071101 | Ross Perot: A Big Disappointment |
> | #9 elephant | 100813 | Elephant in the Room: Global Dying |
> | #10 re-timing | C NO G:\THM\ManHell\..\Indexes\ReTiming.htm Error: ..\..\ManHell\..\Indexes\ReTiming.htm UF:https://Timism.COM\MANHELL\..\INDEXES\RETIMING.HTM | |
> | #11 primary moral imperative | Upload 080527 | Primary Moral Imperative |
> | #12 whole plan | 100810 | Whole Plan: Dreadnought or Dread All |
> | #13 simple solutions | 100117 | Simpleton's Simple Solutions: Symbols or Substance of Time |
> | #14 habitual politicians | 071101 | Habitual Politicians: Habitual Problems and Terrorism |
> | #15 false hopes | 100305 | False Hopes: Falsehoods Fostered by Fools Full of Fuelish Facades and Facetious Flatulence! |
> | #16 doodoo digesters | 131015 | Doo-Doo Digesters: People with Values Based on Gut-Reactions |
> | #17 evilutionists | 100907 | Evilution: The Evolution of Evil |
> | #18 cretinists | 100818 | Cretinism, Not Creationism |
> | #19 deathrow | 110412 | Death Row Analogy of Global Dying |
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