When politicians make good policy then the polity in the polis will be
polite without police.
Elementary Politeness:
Common Transition Point
See Fossil Politics versus Lifesaving Democracy
Brainbee for Elementary Politeness
There is a common point of public policy-making that straddles both fossil politics and lifesaving democracy: the public elementary school. It is the organizational interface between the past and the future in order to implement the whole plan of the Manheaven Commission.
Both will use the elementary school boundaries for implementing level rights so as to begin re-timing basic life products at the optimal level as part of the whole plan.
Most public problems can be solved at the elementary level if people are
organized for optimal democracy and capitalism. With the collapse of the
currency systems, public financing of public problem-solving is collapsing
as well, e.g., the
dollar is dead
. If we, the people,
do not self-organize in a democratic, capitalistic fashion to solve and manage
the worsening public problems--some of which will be unannounced, catastrophic
events--then we will suffer
disasters that will prevent
our fulfilling the
primary moral
imperative of saving life on earth. We cannot afford to wait for the
habitual politicians who have a
of making natural
disasters worse with political corruption and cronyism, e.g., New Orleans,
Darfur and Iraq.
Immediate organization and rewarding of concerned citizens at the local level is needed to deal with current and future problems that are best resolved at the right level. When problems are allowed to fester because power and responsibility is denied by despotic policy-organization, the problems grow from a local to a global sore with soaring costs in human time and suffering.
Initially, there are startup brainbees for posing questions or suggestions for each level of the Manheaven Project, from the global to the local. A lifehour recording form allows enlightened citizens, who invest time into saving life on earth, to receive lifehour credit. The brainbees are programmed to schedule meetings of the steering committees that are composed of the last three to nine winners of a brainbee depending on the level. These on-line meetings will be weekly. When sufficiently organized and supported, meetings will be held at the elementary school.
When you sign up as a supporter of the whole plan to save life on earth,
you are requested to enter information including the postal codes of the
public elementary and high school to which a child would attend from your
home address. Once signed up, you can participate in some optional areas
as well as the mandatory areas--voting for leaders. One of the first tasks
is to divide the elementary unit into nine wards with subsequent area and
block areas. When a steering committee is established at the high school
level, it will determine the elementary units that are part of the high school
unit. High school units should already know its national legislative district.
This hiearchy is needed for the efficiency of
FTP democracy
. To save life on earth,
we must be efficient in needed tasks as we re-time them for less
CO2 sinning.
Also See
Level Rights:
Principle ...
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> | #1 geopolitical units | http:\\www.Timism.org\SuperBB\OptionsIntro.htm | |
> | #2 units | http:\\www.Timism.org\SuperBB\OptionsIntro.htm | |
> | #3 Twit16.jpg> | ext=LSE | http:\\www.twitter.com\Brainbeesclass=twitter-follow-buttondata-show-count=false |
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> | #1 whole plan | 100810 | Whole Plan: Dreadnought or Dread All |
> | #2 Manheaven Commission | 071101 | Overview of ManHeaven: The Global Manhattan Project |
> | #3 level rights | 100909 | Level Rights, Index to Concept |
> | #4 re-timing | 100909 | Re-Timing Needed Goods and Services |
> | #5 dysfunctional currency | 120517 | Dysfunctional Currencies |
> | #6 disasters | 131105 | Disaster Index of Essays and References |
> | #7 primary moral imperative | Upload 080527 | Primary Moral Imperative |
> | #8 right level | 100909 | Level Rights, Index to Concept |
> | #9 brainbees | 071101 | Brain Bees to Solve Our Problems |
> | #10 lifehour credit | 071101 | Lifehours Index of Webpages |
> | #11 CO2 sinning | Upload 080527 | CO2 Sinning Overview |
> | #12 Principle | 091006 | Level Rights: The Rationale of States Rights |
> | #13 E Pluribus Onus | 080610 | E Pluribus Qua: Unum, Oh No! and Onus |
> | #14 Carrot\Sticks | 110521 | Carrot Or Stick? Honey or Vinegar? |
> | #15 FTP democracy | 120422 | Overview FTP Democracy |
(G) Current Directory Links | |||
> | #1 Lifesaving | Upload 120321 | Lifesaving Democracy for Reversing Global Dying |
> | #2 Commission | 091021 | Commission For Levels, Terra Firma Startup |
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