Trump's government shutdown and the extensive economic ramifications into the grassroots of the economy is one of the best cases for de-centralizing government via Profit-sharing taxation. (Jan, 2019) |
Only Profit-Sharing Taxation can end big government like watering seedlings
rather than watering old dead trees.
Level of tax allocation |
100% |
Payee % |
Recipient % |
Elementary Democracy | 50.0000% | 25.0000% |
25.0000% |
High school | 25.0000% | 12.5000% |
12.5000% |
District | 12.5000% | 6.2500% |
6.2500% |
State | 6.2500% |
3.1250% |
3.1250% |
Nation | 3.1250% |
1.0625% |
1.0625% |
Manheaven Commission | 3.1250% |
1.0625% |
1.0625% |
Note: A number of pre-tax percentages are extracted from receipts,
e.g., veterans fund, CJ Spence repay and programmers' deferred pay. |
Profit-Sharing Taxation
Profit vs. Misfit Taxation
Recording Form ...
Tax Re-timing Index ... Newspaper
fee example
Profit-sharing taxation applies the principle of profit sharing to taxation in two ways. A review of profit-sharing is necessary for appreciation of ths principle. Central to any honest discussion to avoid semantic slippage and dishonesty is the Latin origin and meaning of profit--pro esse, forward existence or time--see Index.
True, honest profit-sharing occurs when the wealth created in solving a problem is split or shared equally between the problem-solver and the problem-suffer. As noted in the analysis of profit-sharing, if the degree that the sharing deviates from the optimal 50/50 will be reflected in a decreased rate of problem-solving.
Expressed another way, all parties affected by the problem must go forward in their existence if true profit-sharing is to be a fact rather than a semantic soundbyte.
Obviously, if one wants to live in world with optimal problem-solving then profit-sharing in each transaction must be the norm rather than exception. True profit sharing is the golden mean between the two extremes of no problem-solving. This is includes taxation.
A further clarification and discordant note before showing the two types of Profit-Sharing Taxation.
Legal thievery is behind the work-theft cancer that transfers wealth from wage-earners to wage-takers. The peculiar institution of slavery was a monopoly of a few wage-takers legally stealing the sweat and wealth of the wage-earners. Wall Street is a monopoly of wage-takers stealing from the wage-earners.
The work-theft cancer begins when a worker saves money to start a business. It worsens when the business owner hires an accountant and lawyer to maximize his long-term wealth by hiding income or using illogical tax privileges. At a certain point in wealth-accumulation, the owner buys a politician to shape legal laws for privileges, aka, private monopolies or oligarchies. As history has shown, this requires hiring the academic streetwalkers to justify the economic privileges in the eyes of the voting public, e.g., no death tax, privitization/deregulation, 401ks, etc. To popularize decapitalism destruction of the wage-earners, mediacs are paid to present the desired spin. [It is a joke to think that the media owned by richest in America paying millions to news anchors is smothered by liberalism.] Further buttressing this ultimately self-defeating scam is when the wage-takers hiring Jacks and Jills to parade in demonstrations in support of their decapitalistic propaganda, e.g., TEA party.
The discordant legal thievery shows the evils of so-called profit-taking instead of profit-sharing taxation. Profit-taking is an oxymoron, for a profit only exists when one is creating wealth, that is, one is solving a problem and going forward. Tje creation of profits stops when one stops solving problems. Takers, e.g., wage-takers, steal the results of creating wealth. Instead of using the oxymoron profit-taking, one would be more honest to say wage-taking or wage-thief. But, bankrobbers have never been know to stop stealing, for like Wall Street Robber Barons, that is where the money is.
Wage-takers are decapitalists who steal the wealth (time) of those who put their heads (capita) to work to solve problems.
Humanity suffers the existential
meltdown because habitual politicians and tenured economists pray
at the alter of monetarism. These political and economic
keep promising
trickle-down effects from sending more up the ladder to a fewer few. Monetarism
is an example of wanting something for nothing on a global scale by a few:
Money making money. Really? Like all cancers, it cannot last. As history
shows, those highest on the ladder of legal thievery and immoral greed have
the most to lose and the farthest to fall.
To avoid political, social and economic chaotic demise, profit-sharing taxation must be implemented and observed. Part and parcel to profit-sharing taxation is the principle that one's community (local to global) is part of the problem-solving milieu.
In practice, the latter principle has been totally circumvented by the work-theft cancer. Instead of paying a fairshare of the newly created wealth in the form of a profit-sharing tax, innovators have sought to use some of their new wealth to pay fewer taxes by buying politicians, economists and demonstrators. One can see the cancerous course of the work-theft cancer in the decline of all historical economic powers, e.g., Rome, England, Soviet Union, and USA. One can see in individual families where one person uses a monopoly on power to direct family-needed wealth into the one person's life, e.g., the alcoholic father or drug-addicted spouse or allowance-spoiled kids.
As noted in the first paragraph, profit-sharing taxation has two facets
Toward the goal of systemic profit-sharing taxation, was developed as a timistic tool along with FTP capitalism that automatically shared taxes upward. In conjuntion with level rights whereby the problem-solving focus is delegated to and apportioned to the appropriate level, problems will be solved faster and cheaper. This is necessary if humanity is to marshal its forces to save life on earth from global dying--the primary moral imperative.
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> | #1 Manheaven Commission | 071101 | Overview of ManHeaven: The Global Manhattan Project |
> | #2 Tax Re-timing Index | 111228 | Tax Retiming Index |
> | #3 Index | 080721 | Profits(Index): Pro Esse |
> | #4 lifehours | 071101 | Lifehours Index of Webpages |
> | #5 monetarism | 120430 | Monetarism Is Dead: Long Live the Lifehour |
> | #6 dysfunctional currencies | 120517 | Dysfunctional Currencies |
> | #7 necronomic | 071101 | Necronomics: The Killing Laws |
> | #8 existential meltdown | 071101 | Existential Meltdown |
> | #9 work-theft cancer | 100915 | Work-Theft Cancer |
> | #10 mediacs | 120514 | Mediots: Me, Me Maniac Media Idiots |
> | #11 Jacks and Jills | 100702 | Jack and Jill: All Play and No Politics |
> | #12 profit-taking | 071101 | Profits: Who Gains? Chapter 6 Managing w/o Managers |
> | #13 decapitalists | 071101 | Decapitalism: Index |
> | #14 habitual politicians | 071101 | Habitual Politicians: Habitual Problems and Terrorism |
> | #15 tax idiot | 111228 | Tax Retiming Index |
> | #16 level | 100909 | Level Rights, Index to Concept |
> | #17 FTP capitalism | 120422 | Overview FTP Democracy |
> | #18 level rights | 100909 | Level Rights, Index to Concept |
> | #19 primary moral imperative | Upload 080527 | Primary Moral Imperative |
> | #20 24 in 4 | 100705 | 24 in 4 Index |
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