I would regretfully let my daughter marry a lawyer or politician
but would throttle her if she became engaged to an economist.
Eco Meanies: Tenured Economists
Most economists fail to appreciate the etymology of economics, home laws/management, ecos nomos. In effect, they are assuming the mantle of god on earth in conveying that they can manage the ecos or environment. The evidence indicate the opposite, that is, instead of creating a earthly paradise, our homes are becoming everyday hells. Based on how their "laws" are killing life on earth, they should be necronomists who practice Necronomics, the laws of the dead and dying.
Economists are the high priest of economic activity. Like
pulpit pied
pipers who are
illogical aliens
digesters in
economists are intellectual streetwalkers who sell and twist their information
to the highest bidder. They are like the writers of religious text doing
the bidding of secular authorities, e.g., the King James version of
the bible translated to emphasize monarch as appointed by god. The main religious
books are not the
"Word of
God"--how can the Torah, Bible and Koran be the word of god when they
are so different? Rather, they contain the word of god wrapped in the greed
of political and spiritual moneytheists/hedonists, e.g.,
of Mormon. Likewise, the various economic theories are tainted by the
personal greed of the theorists, e.g., John Maynard Keynes played the stock
market using inside information that
masses for whom he prescribed deficit spending to solve their economic problems.
As mouthers of negative information
economists are ninformaniacs who screw people for no productive reason.
As is true of anyone who lives beyond their means, economists are mean in their impact on the lives of others. Listening to or reading these eco meanies' critiques of or suggestions for improving our economies is depressing. Simple, logical questions should stop them in their tracks or prompt the interviewer/editor to stop them. But this has not happened so we must pay the price of an existential meltdown accelerated by global dying from rising greenhouse gases. (The least upsetting economic coverage is on PBS The News Hours where the economic garbage is not the 90% of ABC/CBS/NBC network news, only 75% garbage. FOX, the network for Ugly Igknowramuses, runs nearly 100% bovine scatology.)
The following assessments written over years ring sadly truer and truer.
Economists are one of the reasons why what needs to be done will not be done to fulfill the primary moral imperative of saving life on earth. (To help this bitter pill go down more pleasantly, Google "Economists Jokes" for some final laughs.)
The following are the means by which one can become a better ecos nomist.
"Tenured economists" refers to an economists who have public or private employment.